Dr. Amber Wise is a cannabis scientist and scientific director at Medicine Creek Analytics. Amber has a background in chemistry, receiving her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and serving as a professor at Chicago State University. She has become a familiar face in the world of cannabis, making several appearances across publications, including WIRED's “Tech Support” series.
In our conversation, we explore many facets of cannabis and cannabis science, from the chemical and biological foundations to regulatory considerations and consequences. So whether you're a regular cannabis user, a professional chemist, or just curious, I hope you enjoy!
Medicine Creek Analytics – https://medicinecreekanalytics.com/
My name is Tyler Gleckler, I am a chemist by education, and the host of the Wiser Tomorrow Podcast. I am part of a generation who grew up watching and sometimes even idolizing online figures who championed science, education, and intellectualism. From Dr. Philip Mason to Professor Richard Dawkins, my teenage years were heavily influenced by these people and their ideas, and am evidence of their impact. In my search of a happy and productive career, I’ve come to realize that my dream is to share knowledge, foster curiosity, and highlight those who lead by example.
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.