Denise’s career in healthcare began in a critical access hospital in Washington state and expanded to serve organizations large and small across the US. After working in non-profit and for-profit healthcare sectors and the last decade in patient experience, Denise is now working to Make a Ruckus That Makes a Difference in healthcare. She brings her expertise, passion for serving frontline leaders and employees, and entrepreneurial spirit to every conversation. Denise encourages those she works with to think differently, create synergistic collaborations, develop Relationships and connections beyond their organizations and profession, and, of course, make a ruckus.
Moyez Jiwa is a general practitioner, journal editor and podcast host. Professor Jiwa leads a medical school based in Melbourne, Australia. He authored the book The Art of Doctoring. He believes that healthcare can improve by focusing on the quality of the meeting between health care professional and patient. This would forge a truly meaningful partnership between doctor and patient as co-pilot in care. It would also reduce rates of burnout among doctors and future proof healthcare in a world where the population is ageing and more likely to be living with more complex health care conditions. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.