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November 15th, 2024

Birgitta Visser – Light Empowerment Lessons (with a Light Language Session)

  1. Birgitta Visser – Light Empowerment Lessons (with a Light Language Session) Teri Wellbrock 43:50

Birgitta Visser – Light Empowerment Lessons (With A Light Language Session) &Raquo; Logo 2024

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Wow! Be sure to listen to the end for a light language session with Birgitta Visser, Soul Empowerment Coach, Divine channel, Light Language Healer, and author. Please join us as we discuss:

  • Birgitta’s role as a soul empowerment coach
  • her personal story of triumph
  • her insights on light language
  • a beautiful light language session
  • and so much more!

Welcome to The Healing Place Podcast! I am your host, Teri Wellbrock. You can listen in on Pandora, iTunesBlubrrySpotify, iHeartRadio, Stitcher, Deezer, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and more, or directly on my website at www.teriwellbrock.com/podcasts/. You can also catch our insightful interview on YouTube.


Birgitta Visser

Birgitta Visser is Soul Empowerment Coach, Divine channel and Light Language Healer, delivering messages from the many Light BEings to the aid of humanity, in the hope that people will awaken to what life is all about. Birgitta taps into the timeless Wisdom of the ancients, drawing from a wellspring of inner knowledge amassed over a lifetime. Though tested by her own trials, she has chosen to rise above, emerging as a beacon of light. Birgitta now channels this hard-won wisdom to uplift and inspire others. Her profound insights remind us of the strength we each hold within, even in our most difficult moments. Like the ancients, Birgitta has discovered that true power comes not by avoiding our struggles, but by meeting them with courage.

Birgitta’s soul is as free as the wind. This adventurous Dutch spirit has voyaged across the globe, calling many places home. Her nomadic blood has led her down unconventional paths, gathering skills and experiences. From runways to bar tops; this chameleon has modelled, mixed cocktails, and much more. Birgitta follows her intuition, allowing it to guide her through life’s twists and turns. Whether crafting natural soaps, designing jewellery, or leading workshops, she nourishes creativity. Though she currently still holds a corporate job, she’s an inspiration, reminding us to seek our purpose, challenge our comfort zones, and unravel ourselves to live far more authentically. Wherever the compass points next, Birgitta’s bags are packed with an open mind and courage to thrive.

She is simply here to offer her words as food for thought in unlocking our own potential and be-com-ing authentically ourselves, while journeying back to the unfolding of the beautiful lotus of the light of who we are. Birgitta encourages us to walk this path with authenticity, unlocking the truth of who we are meant to be. Her gentle guidance is a candle in the darkness, illuminating the way home to ourselves.

Life is like the sound of music. You’ve got to dance before the music stops and live a little before life is over.

Birgitta Visser – Light Empowerment Lessons (With A Light Language Session) &Raquo; Brigitta Visser Book


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Teri Wellbrock and Unicorn Shadows are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. In other words, I make commission off of purchases made using any affiliate links on my site.

Teri Wellbrock Podcaster, Audiobook Producer, Speaker, and Writer

Teri Wellbrock is a trauma-warrior, having survived and thrived after learning to cope with her C-PTSD symptoms and 25 years of severe panic attacks. She is currently an audiobook narrator, producer and host of the top 2% globally rated show - The Healing Place Podcast, completing her book manuscript, speaks publicly at trauma-recovery events, is mom to three beautiful children, graduated with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, has written a children’s book, created the Sammie’s Bundles of Hope project, maintains a blog, and writes a monthly Hope for Healing Newsletter. Her life purpose is to shine a light of hope into dark spaces.


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