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Overcoming The Ageism in Our Lives with Corinne Auman

  1. Overcoming The Ageism in Our Lives with Corinne Auman Boom With A Bang! 55:40

Corinne Auman is on a mission to change the conversation around Aging. In a culture where many avoid thinking about older adulthood until the last minute, she urges us to embrace aging in a positive light.

Needless to say, we discuss ageism:

  • Has it always existed or is it more obvious now that we’re living longer
  • Ageism in the workplace
  • Being “invisible” but needing to advocate for ourselves or our older parents
  • Why new doctors might avoid elderly patients
  • Facility care competency vs dementia awareness
  • Kind lies
  • Preparing for aging

Corinne uses the term “Keenagers”.  I’ve heard the term “Wellderly”.  I believe we agree the Keenagers will be the Wellderly of the future.

Find Corinne at

Learn more about Corinne and fin all her links at



I’ve probably done most of the things you expect a woman my age to have done: married and divorced; three children; variety of jobs over the years including a couple of home-based businesses and, finally, a pretty good career; gave up that career (and home and life) to move and take care of a dementing mother; adult daughter moved back home with a baby; financial struggles; sucker-punched by the post-2007 economy. You tell a similar story.

My podcast is for Boomer Women. A variety of subjects, a variety of viewpoints... and open to suggestions if I'm not covering a topic you want to hear about.


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