Busy Working Women Waist So Much Time
For Women who are always short on time, we spend a lot of time rethinking and redesigning the same stuff every day.
Consider the past 30 days. How much time did you spend trying to figure out what you will eat for each meal?
How much time did you spend in the morning trying to figure out if you will Exercise? Where will you exercise? What routine are you going to do for your exercise?
Every time you decide to do something good for yourself, you first have to sort out all the details of how to do it.
Decision fatigue.
We make thousands of decisions daily, which can wear us out. Why do we waste so much time and energy trying to make up new plans and strategies every day?
Whenever you or someone in our family needs to eat, you must figure out what to make for dinner and what to buy at the grocery store. That means you have to think and be creative at the end of the day and sort it out on the fly.
Wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t waste time figuring out the details of your self-care, over and over again?
Wouldn’t life be easier if you had an exercise plan already worked out, and all you needed to do was follow along? What if you had your recipes already picked out or already prepared. So when it is time to eat, you only have to warm it up.
The cherry on top is if your exercise and nutrition actually gave you the mental and physical energy to feel like the person you truly want to be.
This level of daily success is possible, and feeling your best can be par for the course.
Slowly building self-care routines that you don’t have to think about, is a choice to reduce the number of decisions you must make to have the life you truly want to live.
This quiz will help you understand the roadblocks that are keeping you from saving time and being more consistent with your self-care. https://selfcareconsistency.scoreapp.com