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March 10th, 2025

60 Seconds for Motivate Your Monday: Good Trouble With Congressman Al Green, Houston TX

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60 Seconds for Motivate Your Monday: Good Trouble With Congressman Al Green, Houston TX
  1. 60 Seconds for Motivate Your Monday: Good Trouble With Congressman Al Green, Houston TX 2:56

Hello to you listening in Houston, Texas!

Coming to you from Whidbey Island, Washington this is Stories From Women Who Walk with 60 Seconds for Motivate Your Monday and your host, Diane Wyzga  

While I am not a constituent of the 77-year old Democratic Congressman Al Green of Texas, I am certainly a Fan Girl! The point isn’t whether you agree or not with his intentional decision to tell “47” that he does not have a mandate to take a wrecking ball to Medicaid in an effort to save dollars for his millionaire and billionaire buddies. As if a million or a billion wasn’t enough Money for any one person. Silly me. It’s not about money. It’s about rapacious greed. But I digress.

Congressman Green stood up, said his peace, walked out of the chamber  with dignity, spoke to reporters about what moved him to speak up for healthcare for the poor in his district and then took his medicine when the House of Representatives censured him. Shame on you! Those among you have behaved in a rude and offensive manner in the chamber and yet was considered proper behavior. Shame on you.

CTA: Know what you stand for and what you won’t stand for. Wear your values like you wear your sport team’s ball cap. Say what you mean and mean what you say in a clear, concise, and confident manner. And when someone models bravery, decency, morality, compassion and more, tell them that they have motivated you to act with bravery, decency, morality, compassion, and more.

“Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”     

You’re always welcome: “Come for the stories – Stay for the magic!” Speaking of magic, I hope you’ll subscribe, follow, share a 5-star rating and nice review on your social media or podcast channel of choice, bring your friends and rellies, and join us again! You will have wonderful company as we continue to walk our lives together. Be sure to stop by my Quarter Moon Story Arts website, check out the Services, arrange a Discovery Call, and Opt In to stay current with me as Wyzga on Words” on Substack

Stories From Women Who Walk Production Team

Podcaster: Diane F Wyzga & Quarter Moon Story Arts

Music: Mer’s Waltz from Crossing the Waters by Steve Schuch & Night Heron Music

All content and image © 2019 to Present Quarter Moon Story Arts. All rights reserved.


Diane Wyzga Story Guide/Coach, Podcaster, Speaker & Trainer

Remember the first time you rode a bike and took your hands off the handlebars? And then because it felt fun and scary you did it again until you were streaking down a hill with the wind blowing in your face and your hands up over your head screaming, “Look ma! No hands!” That’s been the story of Diane's life. Showing up - maybe scared but not afraid - because when you fall down 7 you get up 8.

With 30 years in healthcare, business, law, higher education and storytelling Diane created a niche the world needs: helping socially conscious professionals and organizations connect, engage & succeed by crafting the stories that communicate their message. A recognized global podcaster (Stories From Women Who Walk and Daily 60 Seconds) Diane shares wisdom and interviews designed to help others become successful story creators. Speaker and Founder Engaged Storyism® Method.


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