1. Section 4: Ain't That A Messy Middle - Episode 242 32:56
If you are a new listener to the show, we have a lot of back episodes where you can find information that you’re looking for. But starting with Episode 239, which was three episodes ago, we started following the life of Barbara mock. This is section one of this one year project, there will be 12 sections, which we will release on a monthly basis, so be sure to subscribe.

Have You Made That Decision Yet?

Today, Barbara, and I talk about the messy middle. This is the place where you have made the decision to retire. But you’re not retired yet. You’re getting ready. You’re planning. you’re filling out forms, taking classes, creating your checklist, checking things off, it’s during this messy middle. That things start to get real, it starts to get a little scary.

You’re looking at how permanent your decision is. This is the part where things can get a little messy at home too. Because even though we might have discussed it with our significant other, when it starts to get real, things can pop up that you didn’t think about before. And as Barbara promised, when she embarked on this journey with us, she tells us everything. Remember Barbara promise to be vulnerable.

The Messy Middle
Barbara is halfway through looking back and halfway through looking forward to that Retirement. The other day, it’s fall in the Pacific Northwest, raking leaves on a gorgeous sunny day. Suddenly, she kind of felt like the changing of the seasons is a metaphor for what she’s going through right now. When she first started in the summer, everything was new and bright and shiny and exciting, full of energy. Now that fall has arrived, having wind and rain and leaves flying everywhere, she’s thinking that’s a picture of how she’s feeling right now. And then as winter comes she would just like to curl up with a good book and sit by the fire.

But I’m thinking that spring is going to be my new life. And I’m going to be coming out of this season of the past and looking forward. And in some ways that is exciting. But it’s also a little scary because it’s so permanent.
This show is sponsored by https://CertifiedMedicareAgents.com.
Katherine Kline Podcaster, Blogger

I host the Rock Your Retirement Show, which is about Lifestyle, not money or insurance! I started the show in 2016 before anyone knew what a podcast was, and now it's had over one million downloads. At this point, there is a lot of information in our back catalog and we try to release an episode every month.

I'm a retired Financial Advisor (after 25 years) and now I try to have fun with my husband, my dog, and my friends.

I'm also the founder of CertifiedMedicareAgents.com, a site that brings insurance agents together with people who are looking for help with Medicare.