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January 25th, 2025

Retire in Rennes, France – EP 202

  1. Retire in Rennes, France - EP 202 1:09:08

A murder in Philadelphia set Theresa Conroy on an unexpected path to discovering her love for France. But the story behind this revelation is likely not what you think. Over the years, she returned to the country multiple times with her husband, and it wasn’t long before the idea of living there took root. During a trip to Rennes, France, the couple instantly felt it was the place they were meant to be. To learn more about their journey and what drew them to France, tune in to Episode 202 of Retire There with Gil & Gene.

Theresa and her husband, Don Russell, write about their transition to life in France on their blog called “Yo France,” found here:

Theresa’s website on Yoga for people with Parkinson’s disease is

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Gilen Chan & Gene Preudhomme Retire There with Gil & Gene Podcast

We are Gilen Chan and Gene Preudhomme, a married couple living in Brooklyn, New York. Gilen recently retired from practicing higher education law, and Gene, a law librarian, will be retiring soon. We started this podcast 3 years ago in hopes of finding the best place to retire. After 189 episodes of interviewing folks who have moved abroad as well as domestically, we are more confused than ever! It has been an amazing ride and we have made friends all over the world!


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