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November 12th, 2023

EP 65: Real Confidence- Live Confidence Coaching with Eti Moskowitz

  1. EP 65: Real Confidence- Live Confidence Coaching with Eti Moskowitz Alyssa Dver 25:12

There’s a certain magic that happens when we coach someone on confidence at the Institute. We experience it regularly in our Coaching certification practica and in our Pitch workshops and even informally, in casual conversations outside the Coaching bubble. 

It’s not supernatural or mystical by any means, but it IS powerful. 

So often, maybe even 99% of the time, the confidence problem we think we have isn’t the one we need to solve so we can move forward. It’s the “problem behind the problem”.

I’ll give you an example: A lot of people come to me wanting to feel more confident about their presentation skills. They hate presenting. When I say to them, “Okay, so don’t present. Problem solved,” they freak out a little bit. 

Because if presenting were the actual problem, they wouldn’t freak out when I say that – they’d feel some relief instead and go on their way. 

But that little freak out interrupts the story they’re telling themselves about their presentation skills and opens up some space in their brains for us to get to the heart of the matter together. 

What are they really struggling with? What are they scared of? What’s the real source of the fear?

Then we’re able to work on the next right step they can take to gain control of their brains and start Moving toward what they want and if you’ve been following my work for a while you already know what I’m about to say: this process is effective because confident isn’t what you think – it’s HOW. 

In this episode, I take special guest Eti Moskowitz, one of ACI’s confidence coaches, through the process to find out what’s holding her back from showing the world what a talented and devoted coach she is. 

I hope you’ll listen in and hear the magic for yourself.

Alyssa Dver Confidence Crusader & Neuro Nerd

Confidence Crusader, Neuro Nerd and Success Equalizer, Alyssa Dver leads the American Confidence Institute and the global association ERG Leadership Alliance that directly helps all workplaces be more diverse, equitable and inclusive. She received a Stevie Award for Thought Leadership, has two TEDx talks, hosts the popular podcasts Real Confidence and Distilled Confidence, and authored 8 expert-endorsed books including “Confidence is a Choice: Real Science. Superhero Impact.” and “ERG Intelligence.” She can be seen delivering 150+ talks each year, coaching at MIT and Wharton innovation centers and as spokesperson for both L’Oreal’s IT Cosmetics brand and The American Distilling Institute.

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