In this episode of Question It., we explore the profound impact of emotional health and the often-overlooked “Tiny
Traumas” that can accumulate over time, shaping our behaviors and Relationships. Building on an article I wrote in 2019, we’ll uncover four common ways we unknowingly damage connection and emotional health—shame,
judgment, neglect, and rejection—and discuss how these behaviors create lasting emotional pain. We’ll also examine the difference between Big ‘T’ Traumas and Tiny Traumas, emphasizing the need to nurture emotional health to foster
stronger connections and better behaviors. Join me as we navigate this vital conversation and discover how empathy, understanding, acknowledgement, and validation can create positive change.
Key Takeaway: Small, everyday actions like shame,
judgment, degradation, and emotional neglect can accumulate as “Tiny Traumas,” profoundly shaping our emotional health and behaviors, but empathy and validation can pave the way for healing and stronger connections.
Peace. Love. Connect.
Original Source: 4 Common Ways We Destroy Connection and Damage Emotional Health –
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Contact Info:
Kevin’s social media is typically: @KevinRStrauss
– Connect directly using the Contact Form there.
– Real conversations. Real connections.
#wellness #emotionalhealth #mentalhealth #selfgrowth
#personalgrowth #behaviorchange #health #relationships #wellbeing #love #connection #belonging #Trauma #tinytrauma #ACE #peace #happiness #behavior #suicide
#addiction #Depression #Anxiety #questionit #podcast #shame #judgment #degradation #emotionalneglect