Making connections and communicating cross-generationally can be essential for building strong Relationships. However, this can be a challenge for today’s Baby Boomers. Author and Co-Founder of Mark Joseph is building a virtual community for baby boomers to help bridge the generation gap with books and media and grandparent advice for connecting generations and passing on values and experiences.
Links from show notes:
Mary Falletti-Crean
Mary provides digital marketing support for Nassau and its distribution partners.
Josef Katz
Josef Katz builds strategic & growth marketing programs for startups.
Laura Dinan Haber
Laura serves as innovation brand director for Nassau Re/Imagine, Nassau Financial Group’s insurtech incubator.
Paul Tyler
Paul leads the marketing strategy, digital sales channel and innovation activity at Nassau Financial Group. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.