Friday - June 21st, 2024
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The Human Touch in an AI Era: Brian Evergreen on How to Bring Humanity to Work – Order a copy of my new book, ”Passion Struck,” today! This book, a 2024 must-read chosen by the Next Big Idea Club, has garnered multiple accolades, including the Business Minds Best Book Award, the Eric Hoffer Award, and the Non-Fiction Book Awards Gold Medal.

The Passion Struck Podcast is HERE!! 💥👈 Listen, follow, and rate wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts OR watch here on YouTube. New episodes drop every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday!

In this enlightening episode of the Passion Struck Podcast, host John R. Miles dives deep with Brian Evergreen, a trailblazing strategist in AI and organizational transformation. Brian illuminates the intersection of artificial intelligence and human-centric work design, presenting a refreshing perspective on how technology can enhance, rather than diminish, the human experience in the workplace. Tune in for a thought-provoking discussion that redefines the future of work and how to humanize the workplace.

Discover innovative strategies for breaking free from maintenance mode and propelling organizations forward. Join us as we uncover the keys to inspiring transformative success and visionary leadership.

Tune in now for a captivating discussion on driving change in the modern business landscape by learning how to bring humanity to work.

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Time stamps
0:00 Introducing Passion Struck Podcast
3:20 The secret sauce that transforms a whole company
11:56 AI adoption in the workforce, with a focus on leadership
24:11 Digital Vs autonomous transformation
34:15 Creating lives of significance | Seth Godin endorsement
44:20 Transforming outdated systems by starting with ideal future state

Want to watch more in-depth interviews with some of the world’s most insightful people? Find full episodes here:

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John Miles Host of the Passion Struck Podcast | International Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Author

John R. Miles is the dynamic leader behind the globally renowned Passion Struck® podcast and national radio show, where he inspires millions as a pivotal voice in alternative health and leadership. A former U.S. Navy officer and Fortune 50 senior executive, John has made a significant impact as a transformative leader, specializing in intentional behavior change and personal mastery. An award-winning author, entrepreneur, and celebrated podcast host, John's profound insights and motivational guidance have established him as a visionary in contemporary leadership. He is the author of "Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life," a Next Big Idea Club Must-Read, Non-Fiction Book Awards Gold Medalist, and winner of the Best Business Minds Book Award.

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