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Angela Foster on How You Master BioSyncing for Peak Health and Happiness EP 464

  1. Angela Foster on How You Master BioSyncing for Peak Health and Happiness EP 464 49:54

In this episode of the PassionStruck podcast, host John R. Miles interviews Angela Foster, an award-winning nutritionist, health, and performance coach. Angela shares her personal journey of overcoming burnout, major depressive disorder, and pneumonia, leading her to discover the transformative power of biohacking, holistic health, and spiritual practices. She introduces the concept of BioSyncing, a framework focusing on optimizing health, happiness, and longevity through syncing with one’s values, bioindividuality, and biorhythms.

Order a copy of my book, “Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life,” today! This book, a 2024 must-read chosen by the Next Big Idea Club, has garnered multiple accolades, including the Business Minds Best Book Award, the Eric Hoffer Award, and the Non-Fiction Book Awards Gold Medal. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your life with these powerful principles!

Full show notes and resources can be found here:

In this episode, you will learn:

Sleep Optimization: Understanding the importance of quality sleep for overall health.

Hormonal Balance: Strategies for maintaining hormonal health.

Insights: Utilizing lab and wearable data to gain insights into health status.

Fuel: The FLOW acronym—Food, Light, Oxygen, and Water—and its significance in fueling the body.

Training: Techniques for training both the body and mind, beyond just physical activity.

All things Angela Foster:


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John Miles Host of the Passion Struck Podcast | International Keynote Speaker | Award-Winning Author

John R. Miles is the dynamic leader behind the globally renowned Passion Struck® podcast and national radio show, where he inspires millions as a pivotal voice in alternative health and leadership. A former U.S. Navy officer and Fortune 50 senior executive, John has made a significant impact as a transformative leader, specializing in intentional behavior change and personal mastery. An award-winning author, entrepreneur, and celebrated podcast host, John's profound insights and motivational guidance have established him as a visionary in contemporary leadership. He is the author of "Passion Struck: Twelve Powerful Principles to Unlock Your Purpose and Ignite Your Most Intentional Life," a Next Big Idea Club Must-Read, Non-Fiction Book Awards Gold Medalist, and winner of the Best Business Minds Book Award.

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