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February 4th, 2024

A Periodontist Discusses Gum Disease and Its Prevention

  1. A Periodontist Discusses Gum Disease and Its Prevention Living to 100 Club 33:10

In this Living to 100 Club podcast, we invite Dr. William Levine to discuss the incidence of gum disease, its causes, and treatments. Dr. Levine has practiced the specialty of periodontic dentistry for over 35 years. He has been at the forefront of revolutionizing the way we treat and manage disease. We discuss why gum disease is so prevalent, its connection to inflammation, and the consequences of leaving gum disease untreated. Our guest discusses a mouthwash product he created, PeriActive. We learn about its makeup as a safe and natural product to treat inflammation. The makeup of this mouthwash relies on plant bioactive compounds that allow for safe, therapeutic benefit with everyday use. How can we treat inflammation naturally using specific plant bioactives? How does gum disease cause other health problems, such as heart or lung disease, and dementia? These and other topics are explored in this very worthwhile, educational conversation.

Mini Bio

Dr. William Levine is a board certified periodontist for 35 years and expert in oral inflammation. Dr. Levine has a private dental practice that specializes in periodontal disease and implantology. He is also the chief scientist at PeriActive Oral rinse and founder of Izun Pharmaceutical Corp., and founder of the Jerusalem Perio Center. He has spent the last 15 years researching specific plant bioactives that naturally reduce inflammation so he could help his patients prevent and manage gum disease.

For Our Listeners

Dr. Levine’s Website: Get PeriActive

See for privacy information.

Dr. Joseph Casciani has a 35-year history in aging as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices. He was awarded the first contracts from the California Department of Aging in 1982 to develop mental health training for the state’s nursing homes. For 16 years, he was the clinical lead for a multi-state group practice for patients in nursing homes. He later ran his own multi-state company, Concept Healthcare, for 8 years.

In 2018, he extended his professional interest in aging to his new venture, the Living to 100 Club. The website, www.Livingto100.Club, offers a collection of strategies and resources on successful aging, and his weekly podcasts on aging and longevity continue in this tradition with guests who share their professional insights about aging well and making the most of our senior years. He is now a clinical consultant, public speaker, provides one-on-one counseling, and sells a package of life enriching resources to retirement communities and senior organizations.

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