Wednesday - June 26th, 2024
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Challenges and Importance of Community in Moving Abroad

Moving to different destinations can be exciting, but it’s important to be realistic about the challenges that come with it. In this video, I discuss some of the biggest hurdles I faced when relocating. From finding a sense of community to navigating unexpected obstacles, it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. Watch to learn more about the realities of Moving and how to overcome them. #MovingChallenges #RealisticExpectations #CommunityMatters #NavigatingObstacles #Shorts

Sally Pederson is an internationally renowned speaker, Global Citizen, and expert on international money mastery. She’s lived in five countries and traveled to over 45 countries investigating business opportunities, taxes, and lifestyle. She has acquired multiple residencies and dual citizenship. For over a decade she’s done the hard work of legally reducing her taxes to low single digits and owns companies and real estate in various countries around the world. With multiple bank accounts and international investments, she has the knowledge and experience to help other business owners and entrepreneurs become global citizens. Therefor never being stuck under the control of any one government.

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