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May 30th, 2024 Mature Content

142. The F*ck Yes Formula for Energizing Your Life: A Special Episode with Lori

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  1. 142. The F*ck Yes Formula for Energizing Your Life: A Special Episode with Lori Lori Saitz 23:03

Today’s solo episode is about ENERGY!

When you look it up, Energy is defined as the capacity or ability to do work.

I’d expand it to include the capacity or ability to have fun too.

If you have no energy, you’re not going to be getting any work done or having any fun.

“Fine” is not fun – it’s a 4-Letter Word!

Tune in now as we cover three key areas:

1) Figuring out your values and why they matter

2) Finding your energetic home and what’s important about that

3) Why it’s essential to honor what’s not a F*CK YES for you!

Thank you for being part of what we do.

I love you, our listeners, and I appreciate that you’ve said F*ck Yes to listening to Fine is a 4-Letter Word!


Invitation from Lori:

If, like me, you find yourself ready to get energized and enjoy what life has to offer that, up until now, you may not have known existed, the 5 Easy Ways to Start Living The Sabbatical Life guide is your roadmap.

Once you read it, you’ll

✅ Discover a counter-intuitive approach to making intentional changes in mindset and Lifestyle.

✅ Learn how to own your feelings and your struggles so you can address them.

✅ Find out how to face fears, step out of your comfort zone, and rewire your beliefs.

It’s only 7 pages, so it won’t take you long to get through. If you find yourself feeling stuck or stagnant, this could be the energetic catalyst you need to find what you truly need make this an amazing life.

When you’re ready to say F*ck Being Fine, this guide is the place to start. It’s time to look beyond where you are now so you can get to where you are destined to go.

Go to right now to download it for free.

Now let’s get pumped up with energy and create a new F*ck Yes for ourselves!

Lori Saitz Gratitude & Meditation Expert and Podcast Host

Lori Saitz is the founder and CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “Fine is a 4-Letter Word.” An award-winning author, speaker, and broadcaster, Lori is on a mission to teach the world to be calm and grounded no matter what’s going on.

High achievers come to her because they have a strong drive to be productive, but at the end of the day never feel accomplished enough. As a nationally recognized gratitude and meditation expert, Lori guides those entrepreneurs and business and community leaders from stressed and chaotic to peaceful and focused and shows them how to live a sabbatical life. Then they then start seeing sales increase, relationships strengthen, and overall health improve.

In August 2022, Lori took a month-long sabbatical road trip with her 19-year-old cat. Read her account in chapter 8 of Love Warriors: The Conscious Expert’s Guide to Healing, Joy, and Manifestation. You can often find Lori in her sanctuary, aka the weight room at the gym. She also loves cupcakes, Thai food, and classic rock music.


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