FR Ep 084: How to Live a Limitless Life with Laura Gassner Otting
- FR Ep 084: How to Live a Limitless Life with Laura Gassner Otting Gina R Farrar 1:06:33
Today on Feminine Roadmap you can learn how to live a limitless life, a life that aligns with who and what you are. Meet Laura Gassner Otting, a powerhouse author and speaker who shares her own journey to living a limitless life according to her own personal definition of success. Laura believes you too can find that consonance in your life and that no is a complete sentence. She shares a simple 4 question rubric that empowers you to give yourself permission to set healthy boundaries so that you can make room for better, more aligned opportunities in your life. While the journey does include embracing the suck and spending some time in the valley of awkward, the journey does lead to joy, competence and a greater sense of purpose. So grab a cuppa something wonderful, a girlfriend or two, and settle in for an awesome girlfriend conversation about how to live a limitless life!
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