Receiving an early-onset Alzheimer's diagnosis can be devastating, but "The Optimistics" offers a powerful message of hope. This book tells the story of Dennis, Mike, and Jim, who, despite facing...
Caregiver Conversations -Preparing for the Unknown. As we age, open communication becomes crucial for maintaining a good quality of life. End-of-life conversations, while difficult, empower us to...
Many people wish to spend their final days at home surrounded by loved ones, but navigating this challenging time requires support and information. In this episode of Fading Memories, we explore...
Millions of Americans face the challenges of aging parents. Join us for a conversation with Star Bradbury, author of "Successfully Navigating Your Parents' Senior Years" and a certified aging life...
It's amazing how resilient the human spirit can be. I've spoken to folks living alone with dementia who find ingenious ways to adapt. One gentleman, a former engineer, rigged up his whole house with...
Holiday survival tips for caregivers!. The holidays are a time for joy, but for families caring for someone with Alzheimer's or dementia, they can be a source of stress and anxiety. Don't let the...
Brain Health While Caregiving - Strategies! Discover strategies that help caregivers can prioritize their mental well-being and protect their cognitive health. Learn about the surprising benefits of...
Poetry and spoken word offer a unique and powerful outlet for processing grief, especially for dementia caregivers who often experience anticipatory grief before their loved one's passing. The act...
It's easy to overlook the ways we support others, especially when it comes to intermittent caregiving. Perhaps you help an elderly neighbor with yard work every few weeks, or regularly drive a friend...
Tech With Heart - Voiced Memory Preservation. Imagine a world where photographs could speak. A simple scan of a cherished image could transport you back in time, your loved one's voice echoing...
In this episode, we sit down with Dr. Christopher Howard, a neuropsychologist, to explore the fascinating topic of cognitive aging. As we get older, it's natural to experience some changes in our...
Ever wondered how your oral health could be connected to your brain's well-being? In this episode, we dive deep into the surprising relationship between oral and brain health. Our expert dentist...
Are you concerned about the emotional well-being of your loved ones? Join us as we discuss how Happy Talks can provide a lifeline for senior isolation.
In this episode, we explore the detrimental...
Living with FTD is a journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Janice Swink bravely shares her experiences,shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of living with this complex...
Are you feeling overwhelmed by the demands of caregiving? Teetering on the edge of caregiver burnout? Join us as we explore strategies to overcome caregiver burnout and find joy in the face of...
Caring for someone with dementia can be overwhelming. But imagine a world where stress melts away, and moments of tranquility are within reach. Discover relaxation techniques tailored for caregivers,...
Discover the power of fun and engaging activities for individuals living with dementia. Learn how these activities can improve mood, stimulate cognitive function, and foster meaningful connections....
Offering something everyone on the Alzheimer's path needs, knowledge, is one of the benefits of adding an Alzheimer's cruise to your vacation list. This one-of-a-kind cruise is a unique experience...
Caring for a loved one with cognitive impairment is demanding and can take a toll on your own mental health. It's essential to prioritize your well-being. Creyos is a new tool designed to help...
Dementia and parents' health necessitate essential conversations. Discussing their care preferences, financial management,and desired living arrangements is crucial. Addressing potential cognitive...