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Energy Clearing for Life Podcast #906 "You Are the Only One"

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Claire EnergiaEnergy Clearing for Life Podcast #906 "You Are the Only One"
  1. Energy Clearing for Life Podcast #906 "You Are the Only One" Claire Energia 21:18

Oh my goodness, I’m bursting with joy this week! It’s a beautiful surge of energy, a welcome contrast to the pain I’ve known. Through deep activation work and clearing out the “garbage,” I’m experiencing profound expansion and Growth.

Yet, this joy isn’t simple. I grapple with guilt amidst global turmoil – political strife, narcissistic personalities, and family challenges. I am aware we all encounter that “Eeyore” energy, those who seem perpetually downcast.

I guess what I was shown to share with you is that your journey is not like everyone else’s—you have your own journey. You have your own star connections, your own soul connections, your own codes. You are the only one with the codes that you have. You are the only one with the heart that you have. You are the only person who has gone through what you’ve gone through and healed from what you’ve healed from. You are the only one of you.

And so, there’s no one outside of you who can dictate or judge you into being small, push you into being big, make your book get written, or make your podcast get created. Whenever you move into that mindset of I should be here by now or this should have been done already, anytime I hear that should energy, I know it doesn’t serve. Wow, there’s a lot of energy around should. Let’s just release some of that energy because, truly, creations come in stages.

First, an idea might just be a little seed—a small spark that floats in when you’re driving, riding a bike, at the gym, swimming, or even making love. Some ideas come like fire, like water—they’re so big they won’t be denied. They keep pinging you because they’re given to you for a reason. And then you have choices to make with your actions, right?

You never have to say yes. In fact, you could write a book and leave it on your hard drive, and that would be okay. You wouldn’t be judged. You wouldn’t have to worry if it never sold, or even if it became a bestseller and required you to do all these TV appearances. You could simply enjoy it sitting on your hard drive. But some books want to be in people’s hands and hearts. And if you’re the author, it’s your job to honor them and figure out how to get them out into the world.

The same thing applies to a podcast. It’s funny—I was looking through my old MP3 files and found past podcasts that waved little flags and then disappeared into the ether. One of them, The Blessing Medium, I really loved. But I couldn’t fully stand in my mediumship. I am a medium, but I couldn’t fully embody it. It wasn’t a complete yes for me, even though I gave it a beautiful logo—a picture of a lion. And yet, even now, years later, that idea is still kind of pinging me.

So, when creations come to you, sit with them. Start working on them. Ask how they want to be seen. Even if you’re only sharing with a small Facebook group of 12 people, those 12 people have their own circles—friends, family, colleagues. Everyone has at least eight to ten degrees of connection outward.

For example, let’s say I have 50,000 or 60,000 people who listen to me. If each of those people told just three others, that’s 150,000 people impacted by what I’ve shared. Isn’t that phenomenal? It’s amazing. So whatever you’re doing, keep doing it. Know that your changes will ripple out and be felt by others.

Okay, I got a little preachy there—sorry! Well… sorry, not sorry.

Let’s do a Meditation on embracing our soul’s purpose. This might not sound very formal, but let’s affirm:

“I am here to serve my soul’s purpose. I am willing to lower my resistance to being seen so that my gifts may be expressed fully.”

I’m so glad I recorded that because I’ll need to write it down.

I hope you’re enjoying this newly activated energy—it’s so fun, isn’t it? I’m really enjoying how lit up I feel. Oh, and I just weighed myself, which I never do, and I’ve lost 23 pounds in the last week and a half since starting this activation.

Basically, I just started eating a lot of greens—broccoli, spinach, celery—and my body seems to love it. And for anyone who doesn’t talk to their body, this might sound strange, but I ask my body what it wants to eat and drink. Then I just listen instead of resisting. It’s an interesting concept.

Now, let’s go ahead and do a meditation. I’ll let whatever needs to show up, show up.

Give yourself the next seven or eight minutes to just be in your own space. Close your eyes if you can and tune into your own energy. Sit with your back straight, shoulders relaxed and slightly pulled back. Align your neck directly over your head. Keep your spine straight, your knees about a foot apart. If possible, have your bare feet flat on the ground or on something soft.

First, bring blue energy up from the earth into the soles of your feet. Let it rise through your knees. Good. Now, bring it up through your sits bones. Right at the base of your spine is your first chakra—let’s roll some soothing red energy through it. Not fiery, but gentle, healing energy to reinforce your sense of safety and Security. Release anything blocking that feeling.

Move up into your second chakra, the sacral chakra—your center of creativity, Money, and sensuality. I’m seeing a soft orange energy here, moving in a clockwise pattern. Many of us carry past-life or present-life traumas in this area, so let’s send in healing light. Let it clear, soften, and restore.

Now, let’s move into the third chakra—our solar plexus, our center of self-care. This space is yellow, and right now, I’m feeling some turbulence there. Take a moment to clear your yellow space. If it has a message for you, listen and make a mental note.

Moving up into the heart space, the fourth chakra. This energy is green, connected to compassion. In Buddhist tradition, Quan Yin represents this chakra. If you’re like most people, you’ve had some level of heartache—maybe from parents who unconsciously didn’t give enough attention, or from being compared to a sibling, or from being told you were too much or not enough. Let’s send healing energy into the heart.

The heart sends life-giving blood throughout your body. Take a moment to thank your heart for all it does. Let’s also release any hardening of the arteries—whether from past experiences, genetic patterns, or inherited fears. Send love to your heart. Connect it to the divine.

If it feels right, ask for deep healing here. Let go of anything that doesn’t feel good. Give yourself full permission to feel heart-happy again, no matter what you’ve been through.

Now, let’s move into the throat chakra. This is both my favorite and my challenge. It’s the space of self-expression—the blue energy of truth. Many intuitive people have had their voices silenced, sometimes even in past lives. Maybe for knowing too much, for seeing too clearly, for being ahead of their time. Let’s clear any fear, any resistance, any past-life residue that’s keeping you from fully expressing yourself.

Let’s affirm that your voice is a gift. Whether through writing, speaking, singing, or simple conversations, you have a right to be heard.

I’m also seeing musical energy here—some of you may be called to create music. Go for it! Express yourself.

#EnergyClearing #SpiritualGrowth #ImposterSyndrome #SelfEmpowerment #Mindfulness #Meditation #PersonalDevelopment #Consciousness #HealingJourney #InnerPeace #AuthenticSelf #Intuition #SoulConnection #Manifestation #PositiveVibes #EnergyHealing #SpiritualAwakening #SelfLove #EmotionalHealing #ChakraHealing #VibrationalEnergy #HolisticHealth #Wellbeing #MentalWellness #SpiritualPodcast #Lightworker #ShadowWork #InnerChildHealing #CreativeExpression #HigherSelf







Erica Glessing Author, Podcast Producer

Erica Glessing believes when you tell your story, you change the world. Erica interviews entrepreneurs and lightworkers on her podcast "The Erica Glessing Show" and shares transformative meditations on her "Energy Clearing for Life" podcast. She's published 225+ authors and 75+ #1 bestselling books. She lives with about 18 horses on a ranch in California, and she has three grown beautiful children plus two very spoiled kitties, Sapphire and Jaguar.


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