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June 13th, 2024

The David Watson Podcast #131 Warren Kozak Opens his Heart as we talk about Waving Goodbye

  1. The David Watson Podcast #131 Warren Kozak Opens his Heart as we talk about Waving Goodbye watsondavid1974 1:01:06

For anyone struggling with the loss of a spouse—anyone whose world has been turned upside down in a way they’ve never encountered before—here is something that could help.

Waving Goodbye is a candid, honest, and approachable guide to dealing with the death of a spouse written by a very ordinary guy who has lived through the ordeal.

Warren Kozak doesn’t just tell you that time heals all wounds; he explains how the passage of time actually helped.

Despite the shattering heartbreak and insurmountable Grief, Kozak shares what worked, what didn’t, and the insights he learned along the way to help anyone who has suffered this kind of loss. Waving



It turns out even though I'm "grown up" I still don't know what I want to do. They never told me about that at school.
I wrote a book as well.

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