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February 5th, 2025 Mature Content

Beyond Diet Culture: Unpacking Vegan Nutrition with Taylor Wolfram

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Carly Jean PuchBeyond Diet Culture: Unpacking Vegan Nutrition with Taylor Wolfram
  1. Beyond Diet Culture: Unpacking Vegan Nutrition with Taylor Wolfram Carly Jean Puch 48:52

Listen in as Taylor Wolfram shares the motivations that led them to transition from vegetarianism to veganism, primarily driven by a commitment to animal rights and a desire to disconnect from the animal agriculture industry. Taylor recounts the role an animal rights group at their university played in supporting this Lifestyle change and how it expanded their involvement in the broader activist community. We also uncover Taylor’s academic shift from pre-med to dietetics, a decision fueled by a passion for personal interaction and counseling, which traditional medical fields often lack.

In our conversation, we examine the concept of anti-diet vegan nutrition and its implications in the world of misinformation and diet culture. Taylor shares personal experiences and professional insights into the harmful effects of diet culture, its ties to systems of oppression, and the importance of moving away from restrictive eating habits. The discussion further explores the challenges of navigating healthism, veganism, and anti-diet culture, emphasizing the societal pressures faced by those whose health conditions cannot be resolved through diet alone. Taylor reflects on the complexities of adopting a vegan lifestyle for ethical reasons versus engaging in restrictive dieting, underscoring the importance of resilience in the face of societal norms.

We wrap up with an engaging discussion on supporting vegan families in a non-vegan world, focusing on the experiences of raising vegan children amidst societal and cultural influences. Taylor offers insights into the privilege and challenges of being a registered dietitian raising vegan kids, sharing strategies for navigating social situations, and instilling compassion in young minds. We highlight the importance of understanding proper nutrition for children and adults alike, particularly within the vegan community, and encourage listeners to seek personalized guidance from dietitians to maintain a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Guest Bio:

Taylor Wolfram, MS, RDN, LDN, (she/her/hers) is a long-time vegan and owner of a weight-inclusive nutrition Therapy practice. She is a Certified Befriending Your Body Teacher and works with adults who are interested in ditching the diet mentality, reconnecting with their bodies, and learning to trust their inner Wisdom. She also specializes in vegan nutrition and created the Anti-Diet Vegan Nutrition Online Course.

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Music by Matthew Baxley

As I stumbled through the perils of answering the ultimate question, "what do you want to do with your life?" I knew somehow my answer would incorporate helping others. This translated into paths that, when I tuned into the universe, I realized were very connected. (Funny how that always happens!)

People are complicated, messy, and layered with identities. So is this space. I am a meditation enthusiast that sits in quietness every morning and a lover of blasting 90's hip-hop at full volume. I'm a gym rat and a yoga instructor. I am both learner and a teacher. We are all many things. Together we can make them all work.

I love to share all the things I'm learning along the way. Learning how to be your most fabulous self but being honest about how damn hard and messy it can be along the way lets you speak your truth. It allows you to best use your voice for the causes that matter to you. Let's get healthy and change the world together!


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