1. Diana Chaloux-LaCerte: Finding Enlightenment Through Fitness Phillip Bogolub 52:20

Are you ready for a mind-blowing revelation? What if I told you that a successful business and a healthy body are intricately connected, and neglecting your physical well-being could be holding you back from reaching your full potential? Stay tuned to uncover the surprising link between holistic well-being and professional success. You won’t believe what you’re about to discover!

About Diana Chaloux-LaCerte:

Diana Chaloux-LaCerte is a seasoned entrepreneur and business consultant, fitness expert, author, and motivational speaker who is passionate about empowering people to build strength in mind, body, and spirit. As a two-time world champion fitness athlete, Diana is committed to arming her clients with the tools they need to embrace whole-body wellbeing. She’s personally coached thousands of people around the globe to transform their lifestyles and achieve their fitness goals.

Diana is co-owner, and co-CEO of Hitch Fit Gyms and Online Personal Training, as well as SoulFIT Retreats. She blends her love of fitness with her extensive business acumen to help people succeed in both their personal and professional lives. Diana is a Kansas City Business Journal’s Women Who Mean Business honoree, and she has also appeared on the covers of both fitness and business magazines. Media including television and podcast appearances as a featured fitness and/or business expert number in the hundreds. 

As a professional speaker and 5x published author, Diana is a wealth of knowledge in health and fitness as well as entrepreneurship. She especially enjoys working with women over 40 and busy business executives looking for doable ways and useable tools to improve their health and fitness. She tackles the challenges faced by this high-performing population in her latest book, “Business of Your Body: The Burnt-Out, Stressed-Out, Non-Stop Busy Business Professionals Guide to Being CEO of their Health and Fitness”.

Topics for today’s show:

  • Physical fitness and living in a healthy body starts with thought processes and mindsets!
  • Positive impacts of  taking care of your physical fitness on minds and mental health, our relationships, our businesses and finances, and relationships
  • Diana’s latest book “Business of Your Body: The Burnt-Out, Stressed-Out, Non-stop Busy Business Professionals Guide To Being CEO of Your Health and Fitness” 

Key Takeaways:

  • Master the art of conscious communication for more meaningful connections and impactful conversations.
  • Unlock the power of personal growth and transformation to reach your full potential.
  • Gain insightful mindset empowerment tips for greater self-awareness and clarity in decision-making.
  • Discover holistic well-being practices to nurture your mind, body, and soul for a balanced life.
  • Prioritize health as a cornerstone for professional success and overall fulfillment.

“If you take a look at the path you’re leading in your life and it leads you to a great place where you’re healthy and joyful, then great. Stay on that path. But if it leads you to a place that’s not where you want to be, then get on a different path. “ -Diana Chaloux-LaCerte

Connect with Diana Chaloux-LaCerte:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dianachaloux/ 


Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/DianaChaloux/?_rdc=1&_rdr 

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dianachaloux/ 

Websites: https://hitchfit.com/ 


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Phillip Bogolub Mentor of the Mind

Hello, my name is Phillip Bogolub. I have created a podcast show called, "Conscious Communication". The show was created from several experiences in my life but one central experience. I was an engineer traveling around the world supporting a medical device for over 25 years. During my travels I learned more about myself then I realized. Within this context I have pivoted in becoming and creating a philosophy called, "AJANOI" and out of that philosophy my "Conscious Communication" Podcast Show was born! I know you are asking, how do you say the word, "AJANOI" and what the heck does it mean? On that note, check out my podcast show, and I believe you will find the answers you seek. Empowering others empowers ourselves, that is what life is all about!