This is an update on news for Betsy Wurzel. In September 2019, Betsy started her career as a Talk Show Host at Passionate World Talk Radio and the name of her show was Chatting with Betsy. At that time she wanted to bring more awareness to the many issues with Dementia Diagnosis and what all Caregivers were dealing with. She was at that time a caregiver for her husband Matt who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. Since then Betsy has taken on a bigger role and a range of the types of subjects that need to be discussed. Betsy will always have interviews with Caregivers as that is still near and dear to her heart. She will always bring awareness concerning caregivers but also will seek out the subjects and topics that one does not hear a lot on Internet Radio. She interviews, Doctors, Lawyers, Authors, Advocates, Celebrities, Entrepreneurs, and more. We could have added more but, wanted to provide some examples of the interviews Betsy has handled. Betsy also works with a list of Publicists that contact Betsy on a daily basis to set up appointments for their clients to be interviewed by Betsy. We have left the older information on how and why Betsy became a Talk Show Host.
Chatting with Betsy Wurzel and Advocating for all Caregivers. Betsy talks about her journey as a caregiver for her husband Matt. By telling her story she is able to help others on their journey or just starting the journey. It is all about helping other caregivers that sometimes are on this journey alone. To help all Caregivers with spouses with Alzheimer’s, Dementia, or Parkinson’s?
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