1. Saving For Major Milestones CentsAble Chat 15:23

To celebrate America Saves Week 2023, “CentsAble” Bobbi is joined by Bobbi Rebell, Author of “Launching Financial Grown-Ups” JanaLee Pickett, Founder of Hope On A Dime and Paul Vasey, Creator of Cash Crunch Games who share ideas and strategies for today’s theme, “Saving for Major Milestones” www.centsablechat.com


Bobbi Olson Budget Coach & Host of the CentsAble Chat Podcast

After years of producing a financial radio show focused on managing million dollar portfolios, I realized that the strategies, concepts and ideas would work for any budget, and learned the basics of managing money.

It was easier than I ever thought it could be, and I’m now debt–free! I’m excited to share what I’ve learned and hear your stories, as we all strive to lead CentsAble lives!​