Ramona Torres never expected to become her father's primary caregiver, yet when Angel (known to most as Manuel or Manny) fell and broke his femur bone in Puerto Rico, Ramona's life transformed as she welcomed him into her Pennsylvania home for what would become the final 15 months of his journey.
With remarkable candor, Ramona shares the profound words her father spoke that still resonate with her: “I never thought that you would be the one taking care of me in the end of my life.” As the youngest of four children—a “surprise baby” her parents hadn't planned—Ramona reflects on how God uniquely positioned her for this sacred role of honoring her father through hands-on care.
What shines through Ramona's story is the divine thread of purpose woven throughout her experience. A profound moment came when her father awakened the night before his passing to tell her directly, “Mona, I'm Dying.” The next day, after Ramona prayed to be present for his final breath, God answered her request in a moment that confirmed His faithful presence throughout their journey.
Since her father's passing, Ramona has discovered new depths of intentionality in Relationships. She now reaches out to elderly individuals in Nursing homes, cherishing the Wisdom they share, and facilitates Grief recovery programs at her local jail. Her story reminds us that Caregiving, while challenging, offers hidden gifts of connection, purpose, and spiritual Growth.
Whether you're currently caring for an Aging parent or supporting someone who is, Ramona's journey will inspire you to find meaning amidst difficulty and to recognize God's presence even in the most demanding seasons of life. Listen now and discover how caregiving can become a sacred journey of honoring those we love.