Trust and collaboration. Every team needs it, but how do you create it?
Alexia Palau started a new role on March 20, 2020 just as things began unravelling for COVID. Alexia shares how the next few years challenged her with building trust and collaboration in her multi-national team. Applying lessons learned from startups and past roles, Alexia shares how she nurtures Relationships that avoid the echo chamber and keep her grounded with what the team needs to succeed.
For Alexia, success is a constant process of iteration, requiring a team of people who will tell you what they think and what they need.
99 Humans is a multimedia platform centered on humanizing leadership. Hosts Jeff Lakusta and Nadia Carta interview a group of cross-industry leaders, seeking stories about the human side of leadership. Join us and share your story: | is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.