Public school leadership through covid: Harold S. Henry, Jr. [60]
- Public school leadership through covid: Harold S. Henry, Jr. [60] By Jeff Lakusta & Nadia Carta 45:43
Covid + School Districts = Complexity. How does human leadership help?
Harold S. Henry, Jr. is the Chief of Schools at Baltimore Curriculum Project and spent six years as a principal in Baltimore City Public Schools. He's experienced the brunt of misperceptions about what leadership in school districts, and shares a powerful story of leadership through Covid to exemplify how empathy and human leadership made all the difference.
Teachers, principals, and administrators in public school face a unique challenge re-humanizing leadership, but it resonates across all industries. In this episode, Harold shares how purpose was a secret sauce for rising above challenging circumstances.
99 Humans is a multimedia platform centered on humanizing leadership. Hosts Jeff Lakusta and Nadia Carta interview a group of cross-industry leaders, seeking stories about the human side of leadership. Join us and share your story: |