You probably know that less than 10% of Fortune 500 CEOs are women. What's going on? Why isn't this changing despite it being a known inequity?
Jennifer McCollum is a trailblazing leader, currently CEO at Catalyst Inc, she is making her life's work emulating authentic, human leadership while raising awareness and lifting women up through the leadership ranks. Women face a double (or triple!) bind when it comes to leadership positions, contorting themselves to fit surrounding perceptions and systems.
How can women succeed in leadership, and what can allies do to help? Jennifer shares personal experience and research from her book “In Her Own Voice. A Woman's Rise to CEO: Overcoming Hurdles to Change the Face of Leadership” in this masterclass on women leadership.
99 Humans is a multimedia platform centered on humanizing leadership. Hosts Jeff Lakusta and Nadia Carta interview a group of cross-industry leaders, seeking stories about the human side of leadership. Join us and share your story: |