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November 11th, 2024

How A "Minor" Surgery Became A Radical Hysterectomy…With No Insurance!

Rebecca Esparza, went in for a minor surgery, and woke up from anesthesia, and found out (unbeknownst to her prior to the procedure) that she had gone through a radical hysterectomy!!! Wow!!!

This occurred back in the early 2000s.  Rebecca is a long time survivor who had been traumatized by "The system".

Not only did she have to deal with this enormous change to her life, without the possibility of having her own child, she also had to deal with the cost of this surgery…with no insurance!

Here are Rebecca’s links

NCCS Advocate Spotlight: Rebecca Esparza

Sharing Her Strength

Join us for this incredible interview!!!

#cancer #cancerjourney #cancerpatient #cancersurvivor #cancerlove #cancerfamily #cancerwarrior #cancereducation #cancerconqueringcommunity #positive #positivereinforcement #positiveaffirmations #2byourownhero #cancerconqueringcommunity

I am a stage 4 prostate, bone, and lung cancer patient/thriver. I have been battling cancer since early 2021. I have a Youtube channel called @2byourownhero. I always look to inspire people to appreciate their life, and appreciate their health.


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