Monday - February 10th, 2025
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Understanding Geriatrics Care

Geriatrics is a specialty within healthcare that focuses on the health care of elderly people. It aims to promote health by preventing and treating diseases and disabilities in older adults.  As the Baby Boomer Generation ages, comprehensive and personalized geriatric care becomes increasingly crucial. This branch of medicine focuses on health promotion, disease prevention, and the management of illnesses and disabilities in older adults. The goal of geriatric care is not only to prolong life but also to ensure a better quality of life by managing health issues effectively. Our experts in this area of the site talk about how understanding the biological and psychological aspects of Aging is fundamental to geriatrics.

Geriatric care views the patient as a whole person evaluating all the needs including physical, emotional, cognitive and social. Medication management, nutritional needs, Mental Health issues such as Depression and dementia, the role of Exercise and the role of rehabilitation, are all part of the geriatrics process. The complex needs of our aging population encourages all of us to take a proactive role in health management.


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