From swinging a pickle ball paddle to lifting and toting a grandchild, or even hauling a bag of groceries, your core strength is everything. Balance, agility and youthful stature are just a few of the benefits of a toned and powerful midsection.
This handy paperback book, Core Strength for 50+, has everything you need to:
• Improve your posture
• Enhance your athletic performance
• Keep your low back strong and pain-free
• Avoid injury
This book is worth owning. Whether you are working alone or with a partner, it lays out a plan for improving mobility, flexibility, balance, and tone while relieving joint pain and back pain. Slow and steady progress is the goal with core training, and this book emphasizes the quality of the motions, rather than the quantity.
With workouts ranging from basic mat work routines to unstable training with foam rollers and stability balls, Core Strength for 50+ provides more than 75 exercises that build and maintain strong muscles in the abs, obliques, lower back and butt.
Plus, the equipment needed to to the work is minimal: Just a Yoga ball, roller, and a sturdy chair.
That’s why we suggest that if you’re interested in knowing how to stay young, improve your mobility and prevent injury, you’ll want to invest in this bestselling guide for core strength training for 50-plus from Dr. Karl Knopf.
The author, Dr. Karl Knopf has taught corrective Exercise to the disabled and older adults for over 37 years at Foothill College and is currently the Coordinator of the Adaptive Fitness Therapy AA Degree Program at the college. “Dr. Karl,” as his students like to call him, has authored over 15 books for both the lay public as well as for fitness trainers, as well as numerous articles. He was the founder and President of Fitness Educators of Older Adults for 15 years and he is currently on the Board of the Sit and Be Fit Organization. Dr. Knopf is also contributor to the International Sports Science Association courses on Fitness Therapy and Senior Fitness.