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August 2024 Holidays

It’s the last month of the summer vacation season. We are in the dog days of summer so here is a whimsy post on some of the days we celebrate in  August. While there are no major holidays this month, some say August is one big holiday. Nevertheless, there are countless August National holidays, International holidays, and special days to celebrate and enjoy. As a matter of fact, there are at least two or more holidays and special days each day this month. Do you have room on your calendar for them all? We certainly hope so. Enjoy your August 2024 calendar with the holidays to the fullest. We suggest you celebrate every holiday and special day on the calendar. 

What this month lacks in big holidays is the fact that August is one big vacation holiday. Everyone is taking vacation days at the beach, at national parks, or by the fire at a campsite. While there may not be big holidays this month, there’s no shortage of lesser-known holidays to celebrate in the hammock with your favourite cold beverage.

August 2024 Calendar with Holidays by Day

August 1 

 Mountain Climbing Day

National Girlfriends Day

National Pinball Day

Mahjong Day

Benin Independence Day

Colorado Day

Cycle to Workday

Emancipation Day (Guyana)

Guadalcanal Province Day

Homemade Pie Day

India Pale Ale Day

International Can-It Forward Day

International Childfree Day

Lammas Day

National Andrew Day

National Day of Benin

National Girlfriend Day

National IPA Day (India Pale Ale Beer)

National Minority Donor Awareness Day

National Planner Day

National Promise to Care Day

National Raspberry Cream Pie Day

National Wellness Month

Play Ball Day

Respect For Parents Day

Rounds Resounding Day

Santo Domingo Celebrations Start

Santo Domingo Celebrations Start

Spider-Man Day

Start Up Day Across America

Switzerland National Day

Woman Astronomers Day

World Lung Cancer Day

World Scout Scarf Day

World Wide Web Day

Yorkshire Day

Breastfeeding Week

International Clown Week

National Eisteddfod

National Minority Donor Awareness Week

American Adventures Month

American Artist Appreciation Month

Back to School Month

Black Business Month

Child Support Awareness Month

Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month

Family Fun Month

Gastroparesis Awareness Month

Hair Loss Awareness Month

Happiness Happens Month

Medic Alert Awareness Month

Motorsports Awareness Month

National Breastfeeding Month

National Catfish Month

National Civility Month

National Eye Exam Month

National Goat Cheese Month

National Golf Month

National Immunization Awareness Month

National Language Month

National Panini Month

National Peach Month

National Sandwich Month

National Traffic Awareness Month

Psoriasis Awareness Month

Spinal Muscular Atrophy Awareness Month

Summer Sun Safety Month

 August 2

Braham Pie Day

International Beer Day

Mary Prince Day

National CAD Day

National Coloring Book Day

National Hugh Day

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

National Jacqueline Day

National Water Balloon Day

Republic Day in North Macedonia

Umuganura Day

Virgin of Los Angeles Day

Sandcastle Day

Find a Four-Leaf Clover Day

International Beer Day – the first Friday in August

National Coloring Book Day

National Ice Cream Sandwich Day

 August 3

 Big Forehead Day

Clean Your Floors Day

Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day

Makira-Ulawa Province Day

Mead Day

National Disc Golf Day

National Grab Some Nuts Day

National Jamaican Patty Day

National Michael Day

National Mustard Day

National Watermelon Day

Campfire Day – the first Saturday in August

Disc Golf Day – the first Saturday in August

Grab Some Nuts Day

International Hangover Day – the day after International Beer Day

Mustard Day – the first Saturday

National Clown Day – Saturday during International Clown Week

National Watermelon Day

Sandcastle Day – the first Saturday of the Month

 August 4 

 American Family Day

Assistance Dog Day

Cook Islands Constitution Day

Founder’s Day

Hooray for Kids Day

International Clouded Leopard Day

Matice Slovenska Day

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

National Friendship Day

National Sisters Day

National White Wine Day

Psychic Day

Single Working Women’s Day

U.S. Coast Guard Birthday

Exercise with Your Child Week

Give a Dog a Bone Week

International Assistance Dog Week

National Farmers Market Week

National Health Center Week

National Resurrect Romance Week

Stop on Red Week

Friendship Day – the first Sunday in August

International Forgiveness Day – the first Sunday in August

National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

National Water Balloon Day

U.S. Coast Guard Day

August 5

Blogger Day

British Columbia Day

Burkina Faso Independence Day

Civic Holiday

Commerce Day

Festival Monday

Heritage Day Alberta

Kadooment Day

Kiribati Youth Day

Natal Day

National Couscous Day

National Dash Cam Day

National Oyster Day

National Underwear Day

New Brunswick Day

New South Wales Bank Holiday

Our Lady of Africa

Picnic Day NT

Terry Fox Day

Work Like a Dog Day

World Alternative Games

National Allotments Week

Simplify your Life Week

National Oyster Day

Underwear Day

August 6

National Fresh Breath Day

Wiggle Your Toes Day

August 7

National Lighthouse Day 

National Purple Heart Day

Professional Speakers Day

August 8

Happiness Happens Day

International Cat Day

Sneak Some Zucchini onto Your Neighbor’s Porch Day – now that’s nasty!

August 9

Book Lover’s Day

National Kool-Aid Day – the second Friday in August

Smokey Bear Day

August 10

 Chinese Valentine’s Day/Daughter’s Day – 7th day of 7th Lunar Month

Lazy Day

Middle Child’s Day – the second Saturday in August

National Garage Sale Day – the second Saturday in August

National S’mores Day

World Lion Day

Like the weather, August holidays are sizzling hot.

August 11

Presidential Joke Day

Son and Daughter Day

Summer Olympics Closing Ceremony 

August 12 

Annual Perseid Meteor Shower – Peak Night – peak date varies slightly

National Vinyl Record Day

World Elephant Day

August 13

Left Hander’s Day

August 14

National Creamsicle Day

14/15 V-J Day – which date do you celebrate as the end of WWII?

August 15

Feast of the Assumption  

Relaxation Day – now this one’s for me!

Tomatoes Galore Day

August 16

National Roller Coaster Day

National Tell a Joke Day

August 17

National Honey Bee Awareness Day – the third Saturday in August

National Thriftshop Day

Neighbor Night

August 18

Bad Poetry Day

National Fajita Day

Serendipity Day

August 19

Aviation Day

National Potato Day

World Photography Day

August 20

National Radio Day

World Mosquito Day

Towards the end of summer, we finish our vacations and enjoy many daily holidays.

August 21

National Poets Day

National Spumoni Day

Senior Citizen’s Day

August 22

Be an Angel Day

National Tooth Fairy Day – and/or February 28

August 23

Ride the Wind Day  

August 24

Iconic American Restaurants Day

National Waffle Day

Vesuvius Day

August 25

Kiss and Make-Up Day

National Banana Split Day

National Park Service Day

August 26

National Dog Day

National Toilet Paper Day

Women’s Equality Day

August 27

Just Because Day

August 28

Race Your Mouse Day – but we are not sure what kind of “mouse”

Stuffed Green Bell Peppers Day

World Daffodil Day – date varies

August 29

International Bat Night

More Herbs, Less Salt Day

August 30

Frankenstein Day

National Beach Day

Toasted Marshmallow Day

August 31

International Bacon Day – Saturday before Labor Day

National Eat Outside Day

National Trail Mix Day

Originally Published on

I served as a teacher, a teacher on Call, a Department Head, a District Curriculum, Specialist, a Program Coordinator, and a Provincial Curriculum Coordinator over a forty year career. In addition, I was the Department Head for Curriculum and Instruction, as well as a professor both online and in person at the University of Phoenix (Canada) from 2000-2010.

I also worked with Special Needs students. I gave workshops on curriculum development and staff training before I fully retired

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Royce Shook
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