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Shady Comcast salesman lies to try to get me into a yearly contract

Comcast 2Img_1621A friend of mine recently received a $300 gift card under Comcast’s reward program. She thought she got it because she’s been a long-time customer.

Since I’m a long-time Comcast customer, too, I thought it would be great to get $300 to spend, too.

I went to the Comcast website and signed up for its rewards program. I saw a few program rewards that didn’t interest me, so I tried to communicate with the bot through the chat function. It didn’t work. I didn’t get any information about Money rewards.

So, then I did what I dread: I called Comcast. As I’ve written about many times, Comcast has terrible customer service, the worst I’ve experienced.

I wanted the rewards program department, but it was difficult to get through the bot to speak to a real person.

When a real person answered the phone, he said the $300 gift card was no longer available but he could offer me a $200 gift card and a new iPhone.

I explained I didn’t want to switch carriers because I’m in a family plan with my grandson from Spain who’s going to college in Massachusetts.

He said he could reduce my bill by $20 a month, and I’d get the new iPhone and $200 gift card.

It sounded great to me. I pressed No. 1 to accept. Then a recorded message came on the line and explained the deal. It said $30 a month for my landline, $30 for the TV, I think, and $93 for something else. It listed a bunch of features and changes I didn’t understand.

However, one thing was clear. I’d be in a one-year contract that would require an early termination fee of $112. I didn’t hit No. 1 for final acceptance.

The call went back to the salesman. I asked him what the heck was going on. He quickly transferred me to the department that handles the affordable conductivity program. After going through what happened, I learned from the representative that I don’t qualify for that program, which has an income requirement of earning $27,180 a year or less.

She said I needed to talk with Mobile Care and that she could transfer me. The wait would be 1 hour and 37 minutes. What? I decided to hold, since it’s so difficult for the Comcast bot to get you to the right department. Fortunately, I only had to wait about 20 minutes.

The representative at Mobile Care said the $300 gift card and free iPhone deal isn’t available anymore. He also said there’s currently no deal for a $200 gift card and a new iPhone. He also said when those deals are offered, you have to transfer cell phone service from another carrier.

I asked him if the Comcast representative had lied to me. He said, “That’s true. That’s true.”

What a waste of time. The woman in the affordable conductivity department said my account hadn’t been changed, so that’s a relief.

I’ll file a complaint with the Washington State Attorney General’s Office and see what they say.

Originally Published on

Rita Robison Consumer & Personal Finance Journalist

For more than two decades, Rita R. Robison has been a consumer and personal finance journalist making her living by finding the best bargains, calling out the crooks, and advocating for regular people just like you and me. In that time, Robison has talked to so many people who feel like their money just isn’t getting them what they want, where they want to be, or the life they thought it would.

The purpose of her blog is to help you get what you want from your money. Robison covers financial goals, budgets, debt reduction, saving, smart choices for buying goods and services, and retirement planning. You’ll also find articles on safety, such as avoiding scams, looking out for rip off companies, and getting informed on the latest recalls.


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