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Expand Your Business Growth Seamlessly

“True success isn’t being at the beach with your laptop. 

It’s being at the beach without your laptop.”

James Schramko



Work less and make more. After all, you love your work even though you feel it’s eight days a week. There’s no time to enjoy much of anything else, and you’d love to have more spendable Money coming in, too. You’re reaching the point of frustration, exhaustion, and the desire to do something about all of this painlessly as soon as possible.


You may be the only one earning money in your household since you have no partner or your partner is unable or unwilling to generate income. Even though you’ve been consistently earning enough to be worry-free, your energy and enthusiasm are dwindling, faster than ever.

You’ve considered or heard about solutions. None seem to have your name on them, and those require some heavy lifting before reaching your working less and making more goals. What CAN you do?


A first direction to explore is adding new experts. Before your zillion reasons against doing that surface, notice where your thoughts led. Did you go to hiring salaried W-2 employees (an American designation)? Nope, not where this is going. Did you groan thinking of training new team members? Nope on that, too. These additional people are well-versed and successful in their field, making them more ideal and valuable for expanding your team.

‘Wondering where this is going already, huh?


How about joint venture Relationships with people whose skills, gifts, talents, and business successes dovetail with yours? You can bring services to your audience beyond your personal expertise. Instead of making the joint venture partner a salaried member of your employees with the burden of providing a steady flow of business to them, you share the revenue generated from each transaction. How you divide that is up to you and your joint venture partner. Sounds pretty good, right? You offer your audience more services and your joint venture partner has more business and revenue than what’s generated solely from their own audience. Ideally, you might get business from your joint venture partner’s audience if appropriate.

Your joint venture partner gets new business and additional income. Expand your revenue streams by offering a new service delivered by someone else, satisfying client needs and boosting the joint venture partner’s product line. Notice how many people benefit from this arrangement!



Alternatively, the joint venture partner becomes a vendor to your company instead. It’s a distinction with a minor difference. Your company can still offer the colleague’s services to your clients and you mark up the colleague’s service prices or the colleague pays you an agreed percentage as a referral fee for each sale made to your client. This path works when you are unlikely to serve each other’s clients.

Either way, you expand your business Growth seamlessly, helping more people with new, related services. You make more money working less. Your business and your clients benefit, plus your colleague benefits having you as a client, even if their people are an unlikely match for you. 


Imagine you are a corporate consultant with your own successful system  for problem solving. People love working with you and you have wonderfully consistent positive results. Your only income stream is selling your time interacting with individual executive clients. At first blush  you want to work less, not more. It appears the only way you can increase your profit is by raising your rates, inherently putting a cap on how much money you can make as a corporate consultant, at which you excel, by the way. 


Think about your solo practice consulting company also offering:

  • Book writing and producing a book of your expertise by working with a small book publisher overseeing it all from start to finish. This company has served some of the same authors 10-12 times!

  • Public Relations company who does all the (time consuming!) work to get you ideal podcast guest placements and train you to be the greatest guest. They do everything except talk for you!!

  • Translation services for 120+ languages to perfectly and appropriately translate your book, speaking, and any materials you create, expanding your reach and bottom line exponentially.

Your solo practice consulting company now has a roster of experts helping your clients seamlessly grow their business and yours, while smoothly differentiating your practice from among the many other top-quality executive consultants in your field. Every bit of that leads to you working less and making more. And the odds are high that adding those services extends the life of that client relationship and size of the lifetime financial investment they make in your company’s services.


While your mind hamsters are now running overtime with an idea that makes all the sense in the world to you, how do you find these potential new trusted resources for your business? Some directions to look are:

  1. Ask for referrals from people you highly respect.

  2. Attend virtual communities to explore the global gold there. 

  3. Review your LinkedIn connections even if you don’t know them.

Visiting virtually is useful for exploring how good a match you’ve made. Engage the colleague in experiencing a small piece of each other’s service. Once you feel good about the interaction, simplify your life and theirs by creating a written agreement so you don’t need to strain your brain to remember what was said.   


Ponder how you want to allocate the additional time and money you now have as you work less and make more.


Well, guess what? No, I’m not pregnant or getting married…LOL. One is impossible and as far as the other, he has yet to appear.

This article is based on a true story right here at Tips Products Publishing Agency. Each service area introduced above is now available to you. There have been productive and fun Zoom conversations over recent months. I met each of these business owners through people so trustworthy they are off the charts. Please read this next section since there’s more information than mentioned above.

  • Book writing and producing a book of your expertise by working with a small book publisher overseeing it all from start to finish, who has handled over 1,000 books in the past 12 years with some authors coming back 10-12 times.

  • Public Relations company that does all the work to get you ideal podcast guest placements and trains you to be the greatest guest ever through various service bundles or ala cart. They can do almost any part of this, short of talking for you. 

  • Translation services for over 120 languages to perfectly and appropriately translate your book, speaking, website, and any materials you create, expanding your reach and bottom line exponentially. 72% of the world does not speak English (That’s 6.1 billion people). Can you say “untapped opportunity for your business?”

Schedule a no-cost appointment with me at: to discuss what looks like answers to your long-held dreams. Your experience can be more fulfilling and enjoyable well beyond your greatest expectation. 

© 2024, Tips Products International, Paulette Ensign

Paulette Ensign The Tips Products Strategist

Paulette is the Founder and The Tips Content Strategist at Tips Products International (the parent company of the wholly-owned subsidiary, Tips Products Publishing Agency.) Paulette has over forty years’ experience with small and mid-size business owners, corporations, and professional associations in numerous industries, worldwide. She and her team look forward to traveling part of your journey with you and serving you as she happily and proudly continues to defy getting old while getting older.


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