Thursday - March 20th, 2025
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Back to the Keyboard

 It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here; on Feb. 11 to be exact when I posted about a few love songs for Valentine’s Day.

For those who are concerned or curious, I have been writing. Just not here. 

Back To The Keyboard &Raquo; Feather%20Pen

I’m a contributor on Medium, where I’ve had about five posts in recent weeks. I call them “Random thoughts” if you’d like to read them. I plan to eventually have them here.

And I’ve written book reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, and other places. 

Oh, almost forgot. I’m also working on the sixth book in the “John Ross Boomer Lit series.” It’s a slow process but I’ll eventually have it finished. I’m not as fast at writing novels as I used to be. It’s an age thing like so many other tasks that take time to finish.

On a personal note, my wife and I traveled to Portugal in late February and I intend to have something about that fabulous country in the coming days, much like I’ve had about our other travels. Photos will be posted as well. Needless to say, it was great to be traveling again (even if the pandemic has only slightly subsided), and we’ve got more adventures lined up in the coming months.

So, I hope you haven’t abandoned me. I simply took some time off to get recharged and refocused on my writing. We all need that once in a while, regardless of our interests and endeavors. 

Until the next time . . . 

Michael Embry Author, Blogger

Michael Embry is a multi-genre author of 15 books.


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