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Navigating the Unknown

In the web of Grief, it’s easy to find ourselves in the pursuit of fixing what feels broken. Yet, what if, instead of trying to mend the pieces, we allowed ourselves to sit with the discomfort and embrace our emotions with compassion?

Let’s face it – Grief is uninvited and unexpected on our life’s journey, and often brings fears to the forefront. Fears of facing the pain, fears of never healing, and fears of a future that seems uncertain. Yet, it’s important to be aware of these fears, to acknowledge their existence without judgment, and to align with the intuition that whispers within.

Awareness: Illuminating the Shadows
Awareness acts as a guiding light. It’s about recognizing the fears that cast shadows in your path. The fear of facing the void left by loss, the fear of being overwhelmed by emotions, or the fear of forgetting cherished memories. Being aware is not about vanquishing these fears but acknowledging their presence in your journey.

Acknowledgment: Embracing the Unraveling
Acknowledging your fears is like embracing the unravelling threads of your grief. It’s about saying, “I see you” to the fear of never moving forward, to the fear of being forever changed, and to the fear of facing a reality different from what you had envisioned. This acknowledgment is not a scream against fear but a tender acceptance of their role in your healing journey.

Alignment: Trusting the Intuition Within
In the chaos of grief, there’s a quiet voice of intuition that often goes unheard. It’s the inner guide that encourages you to trust yourself and know what you need. Aligning with this intuition doesn’t provide a roadmap or a quick fix. Instead, it offers a compass, gently nudging you toward self-compassion. Trusting your intuition means allowing the ebb and flow of grief, recognizing that healing is not linear, and embracing the Wisdom within your heart.

A Shift in Perspective

The societal narrative often pushes you towards fixing your brokenness. You are encouraged to seek closure, find solutions, and move on swiftly. But what if, in your pursuit of fixing, you overlook embracing your grief?

Trying to fix your grief can feel like attempting to control the uncontrollable. It’s a mirage promising a quick escape from the pain. Fixing becomes a distraction, a way to numb the emotions that demand your attention. The illusion of control might offer temporary relief, but it doesn’t honour the depth and complexity of your feelings.

Embracing grief is not about having all the answers or neatly tying up loose ends. It’s a balance with the unknown, a journey where each step forward is an act of courage. Instead of fixing it, you learn to hold your grief gently, allowing it to be a part of you, without defining you.

Embracing grief is an acknowledgment that healing doesn’t mean forgetting but finding a new way to carry the love and memories.

In your grief journey, there will be words that resonate. Clichés and platitudes can ring hollow and may cause further hurt, especially coming from family or friends. Instead of “Time heals all wounds,” let’s acknowledge that time may soften the edges, but grief is a lifelong companion.

It’s okay not to have all the answers. It’s okay to embrace the uncertainty and find comfort in the ebb and flow of your emotions. Be guided by awareness, acknowledgment, and alignment with your intuition.




Maria Belanic Grief and Mental Wellness Coach

Maria Belanic is a Grief and Mental Wellness Coach who has made her purpose to be a disruptor in shifting the conversation around grief. Maria supports individuals in their grief journey with the awareness that there is no need to "be fixed" or "get over it.

It's not about forcing yourself to move on, but rather about discovering a path that is suitable for you to move forward when you feel ready. Maria is the creator of the 5 Pillar of Care framework which includes accepting self-compassion, releasing blame and shame, and tuning into your intuition. Grief can impact all aspects of your life, affecting the connection between your body, mind, and soul.


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