” data-medium-file=”https://i0.wp.com/conflictremedy.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/donotfold1-1-scaled.jpg?fit=279%2C300&ssl=1″ data-large-file=”https://i0.wp.com/conflictremedy.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/donotfold1-1-scaled.jpg?fit=951%2C1024&ssl=1″ class=” wp-image-7555″ src=”https://i0.wp.com/conflictremedy.com/wp-content/uploads/2025/02/donotfold1-1.jpg?resize=493%2C530&ssl=1″ alt=”big envelope with flowers sticking up” width=”493″ height=”530″ />
Photo by Edward Howell on Unsplash
Beautifully Simple Solutions to Conflict
What does it take to find a beautifully simple solution to a problem or conflict?
We humans have an awesome ability to solve problems and work through differences, but we also can easily over-complicate a situation. I experienced this recently around filing a simple tax form.
Because I have my own business and a virtual assistant, I needed to file a 1099 form. My accountant would have done it for a fee, but I thought it was easy enough that I could do it myself.
I had to order the form rather than download it because what I sent to the IRS had to be scannable. I ordered a packet, and was sent two forms, the 1099 and another one, 1096 plus envelopes. My next step was to understand what the extra form was for and how to fill them both out correctly. So far, I was successful. Then, the 1096 form said in bold letters do not fold and you may be fined for folding but the official looking envelopes I was sent were half size. It seemed to me that since they gave me the half size envelopes, it should be OK to fold the form.
I went looking all over the Internet, searching through the IRS website and using Google key words, but couldn’t find any articles that addressed this issue. I was ready to give up and pay my accountant.
But I talked to my spiritual business advisor and told him the dilemma and he said, “Why don’t you buy a full-size envelope and pay the extra postage? When he said that I laughed and laughed. I knew he was right. I had been so fixated on trying to get information about folding that it hadn’t occurred to me I could avoid the dilemma completely.
I think a lot of us do this in a conflict, too. We get fixated on one way of approaching the problem or only see one possible solution. We don’t realize the beautiful simplicity that can be available to us if we open our minds to curiosity and new ideas.
Lorraine Segal has helped over 2000 leaders and others in organizations and corporations communicate more clearly, transform conflicts, and let go of resentments. The goal: to create a more harmonious and productive workplace. Through her business, Conflict Remedy, Lorraine creates customized training and Coaching programs for non-profit organizations, corporations, and government agencies and Sonoma State University. She was recently named one of the top 15 coaches in Santa Rosa by Influence Digest. She is a contributing author to the book, Stand Up, Speak Out Against Workplace Bullying. Her latest project, a memoir called: Angels and Earthworms, an unexpected journey to love, joy, and miracles, is about her transformation from miserable self-doubt to self-acceptance, true love, spiritual awareness, and right livelihood. Find out more about the memoir here. Contact Lorraine through ConflictRemedy to request a free consultation for you and your organization or to sign up for her conflict remedy newsletter and blog.
© 2025 Lorraine Segal ConflictRemedy.com
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