Leading Women To Watch
Part 1 – Aging, Health & Wellness, & Longevity
This year, I’m celebrating #WomensHistoryMonth by highlighting some of the visionary women leaders who are co-creating a greater future for all generations to come.
When women lead the way, other women notice. That’s why it’s so important for us to l lift each other up!
As a trailblazing #feminist, I’ve had the privilege of knowing, supporting, and collaborating with so many visionary women leaders in my lifetime…
…Below is my list of must-follow authors, speakers, educators, consultants, thought leaders, and more in the fields of #Aging, #HealthandWellness & #Longevity
Ana João Sepulveda President of Age Friendly Portugal
Anna A. Tavis, PhD Clinical Professor at NYU
Anna Pereira CEO of The Wellness Universe & the Chairwoman Soul Ventures
Avivah Wittenberg-Cox Gender expert & CEO at 20-First
Barbara Waxman MS, MPA, PCC Founder of Odyssey Group Coaching
Barbara O’Connor Emeritus Professor at CSU, Sacramento
Bonnie Marcus Gendered Ageism experts & host of Badass Women At Any Age Podcast
Bernadette Melnyk VP for Health Promotion & University Chief Wellness Officer
Debbie Marshall Managing Director of Silver Marketing Association, UK
Debra Gibson, N.D. Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine
Dr. Tracey Gendron Chair for the Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Gerontology & the Executive Director of the Virginia Center on Aging
Elizabeth Isele Founder & CEO of Global Institute for Experienced Entrepreneurship
Esther (Semsei) Greenhouse, M.S. CEO of Silver To Gold Strategies, Environmental Gerontologist & Longevity Economy Strategist
Jamie Gilbert Strategist in operations marketing & gerontology
Heather Evansoon Brooks is an aging specialist in Senior Housing & Aging inPlace Specialist
Jacquelyn James Co-director, Center on Aging & Work at Boston College
Jane Silk CMO of Silver Marketing Association, UK
Janine Vandenburg Consultant on reframing aging & creating age-friendly workplaces
Jean Galiana MASM Gerontologist
Jeanette Leardi Social Gerontologist, Public Speaker, Community Educator
Katy Fike Ph.D. Co-Founder of Aging 2.0
Maddy Dychtwald Autho, speaker on aging & the global economy
Nancy Griffin Founder of SeniorTrade
Paula Marie Usrey, M.S., CPRC Founder of Boomer Best U
Sharon Solomon Rose Social Gerontologist working to foster intergenerational companies & communities
Sky Bergman Photographer & filmmaker, showing people 75-100+ living their best lives
Stella Fosse Gendered ageism Author
Susan Flory Broadcast media consultant, creator of The Big Middle podcast
Susan Williams Author of Booming Encore
Wendy Green Host of Hey Boomer Live & Transition Coach
Give them a follow and let me know:
Who’s on your list?
Feel free to drop them in the comments!
A gift from Karen
Want to learn the life hacks you’ll need to rewrite the narrative about Growing Up, Growing Older and Growing Richer? Learn about the Longevity Economy to grow your GeroBiz and how it affects YOU?
Be part of shaping the new Ageless story for our times – one that
Transcends age in the workplace, the marketplace and in your place!
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The post Leading Women To Watch first appeared on Karen Sands.