Today, I’m waking up at the Bartz River House near Cascade, Montana, as the guest of one of my best friends, Tim Bartz. The coffee aroma has filled every nook and cranny as my taste buds light up with anticipation. I’m not sure what I’m more eager for — the coffee or the day fly fishing with Tim on the Missouri River.
As I pour my first cup, he starts breakfast and I feel helpless as he will not let me lift a finger. He laughs as he shares stories and we catch up on family, friends, and the accounting profession. In the twenty years I have known Tim, he is one of the most generous, and thoughtful people I have been blessed to know. Always jovial and looking to ensure you are having a good time.
Over the next two days, I enjoyed observing Tim welcome and interact with eight other guests here for their annual fly-fishing trip on the incredible Missouri River. If you want to see servant leadership in action, spend a day with Tim Bartz. From gifts for everyone to ensuring each guest was comfortable, sharing Wisdom, and bragging about the accomplishments of others — Tim created a sense of belonging that everyone gravitated to. You could see the personalities spring forth, and the comradery grew with each passing hour. People felt Tim’s caring and the group’s trust grew as people were vulnerable with each other. This led to dialogue and discussions that provided wisdom and the vetting of ideas at a level you would not have thought was possible. It was a magnetic energy that drew people in.
I share this story as Tim is a model example of the leadership we need in our personal lives and workplace culture. It begs the question, can we become the team members who are so intentional to put others first? Can we demonstrate in such intentional ways that we care about each other? Can we be vulnerable enough to lead with trust? Can we build something bigger than ourselves by focusing on We versus Me? Tim is leading with significance as he impacts people’s lives with his humble, caring approach.
CeCe, do you mind if I stay an extra day to fish with Tim?
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The post Friends and Special People appeared first on Joey Havens.