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Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt-What To Do When It’s 100 Degrees?

Putting together a thrift store scavenger hunt would be fun for kids or adults. I consider it a wonderful activity for when it’s too hot/cold/rainy to be outside. And you can tailor the game to fit the people involved.

First I’ll share our thrift store scavenger hunt and then share some ideas of how you could make it your own challenge.

Quote of the day: “Old and young, we are all on our last cruise.” Robert Louis Stevenson

Since we all realize that life is short, there’s no reason to let the weather dictate your ability to have fun. That’s how the original idea for a thrift store scavenger hunt was started 4 years ago.

I shared the key points of that original activity in 2020 at the end of the blog posts below (make sure to scroll to the end of each post):

Goodwil Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt

We had so much fun when we first put together this task, that I decided to recreate it. I changed up some of the details just to make it different.

I have shared many other ideas with secondhand shopping in case you need guidance.

You should definitely sign up for the emails below. Besides the free eBook, my email family gets personal tidbits of what’s going on in my life along with other happenings, sales, information, giveaways, extra photos, and interesting articles.

Our Goodwill Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt

Here in our area of Arizona, the Goodwill stores are big and full of treasures. That’s why I had the crew head out to a Goodwill near us.
I also chose a Thursday as our hunt day so we could take advantage of the $2 tags of the day. On top of that, we also have signed up for the 20% off coupon that comes in our email every month.

Goodwill Tag Of The Day

For this thrift store scavenger hunt, I only had 5 things on the list to find. But they weren’t all easy. I wanted us to have to use our noggin and incorporate some activity after the event too.

What To Do When It'S 100 Degrees Outside

Insider tip: It’s advantageous to have a “moderator” in the group who isn’t shopping. This person has a stopwatch to time the event and needs to tell the participants when they have 5 minutes left.

Make sure to set up a place to meet after the allotted time where you will all end up with your cart of “goodies”.

Insider tip: Of course, you can shop for non-scavenger item things along the way. If you see something you just have to have, grab it. Otherwise, it may not be there later.

The moderator can read each item on the list and the contestants will showcase what they found.

You can all vote for who found the best items, who found all the items or you can leave the decision up to the moderator.

For this new scavenger hunt, each of us had $50 to spend, so finding the things on the list that you would really use and want was paramount.

Wanna See What We Found?

Being Able To Alter Things When Thrifting

#1-Something you need to alter to fit better (I came up with this since we all sew a little, and you aren’t limited by fit when shopping)

My mom found a pair of brown pants that she needs to shorten
Lesley found this red print top that had a cami attached. Since she won’t wear the cami, she just needs to remove it.
I found this red cotton jumpsuit that was tight around the hips, so I’m going to make it into a jumper dress.

Expanding Your Comfort Zone At The Thrift Store

#2-Color you don’t normally wear (Since we tend to buy the same colors all the time, I wanted us to work outside of our comfort zone).

My mom chose this neon green jacket that is brighter than bright.
If you know Lesley, then you know that she has an aversion to the color green. But she found this amazing green print top that she might be able to stomach.
I have steered away from wearing grey but I couldn’t resist this “Dog Mom” t-shirt.

Favorite Animal

#3-Favorite animal: doesn’t have to be clothing (I wanted everyone to look in other places besides just the clothes)

For Charlotte, it was no surprise that she found an owl statue.
Lesley was looking for a hippo (who else follows Flora the hippo?) but ended up with an elephant with its trunk raised.
I stumbled upon this Build-a-Bear dog that looks like our own Piper. It has become one of Piper’s favorite toys.

#4-Something you can change and how will you change it (This is a great brain activity to make you look at items beyond what you normally buy them for.)

Lesley found a clear glass container that she inserted into a purse to create a fabulous vase.
I was excited to create a DIY I had seen on Instagram of making a belt by sewing together 2 men’s ties.
My mom decided she was going to transform this amazing scarf into a skirt or poncho.

Insider tip: Remember material is material and can easily be changed into something else. This goes for bedding, towels, and even men’s clothing.

Items For Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt That Are

#5-Something that is “you” (Not every item needs to be hard and challenging).

My mom found a leopard print, long-sleeved tunic.
Lesley discovered this light blue fairy princess dress that I bet she will be wearing at Halloween.
I found a couple of whimsical purses but ended up with the flamingo backpack because my phone wouldn’t fit in the stork one.

Change It Up

While we focused this activity on a thrift store scavenger hunt, there are many ways you could change it up.

  • The list could be distributed ahead of time, so those involved have an idea of what to look for. OR you can spring it on them when you get to the location.
  • Your list could have 3-10+ things on it. Choose a mix of items that would be easy/hard to find.
  • The amount of time you have to find the items is easily adjusted.
  • You can have a reward for one person or everyone, or no prize at all.


Any time you are in a public place, you need to be considerate of others and the store in general.
While this list of etiquette seems like common sense, it can’t hurt to review it.

  • Remember, other people are there shopping also, so be accommodating to them.
  • If you pull out an item and later on, change your mind, return it to its original spot.
  • While this thrift store scavenger hunt is a game for you and your group, you shouldn’t be yelling or running in the store.
  • When you gather to showcase all of the items you found, pick a place in the back/side of the store that isn’t busy.
Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt At Goodwill In Arizona

 I hope I thank you enough because your support allows me to continue this journey which I LOVE!!!
Supporting a blog can be easy and free. Just visiting my pages, clicking my links (especially for small businesses and sponsored posts), and sharing the things you like on your social media make a huge difference. Spreading the word is how I can reach more wonderful people like you!  
Or feel free to “buy me a coffee” which is a monetary way to tell me that you enjoy reading my blog.

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I hope you have enjoyed what you’ve read here, and I look forward to you signing up to be part of my email family.

You can receive an email each time I post. My emails are a place where I share more personal happenings along with special offers.

I also appreciate any shares so others can benefit from our fashions and fun.

Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt-What To Do When It’s 100 Degrees? &Raquo; Different Edit Edited

Welcome to Jodie’s Touch of Style. I’m here to prove that it’s never too late to look great. Clothing and style are meant to showcase your inner personality. So let’s have fun and try new things.

It’s not just about me on this blog, but also my mother and friend. We get to showcase not only different decades of life but also different body shapes and unique personal styles.

The post Thrift Store Scavenger Hunt-What To Do When It’s 100 Degrees? appeared first on Jodie’s Touch of Style.

Jodie's Touch of Style showcases how it's never too late to look great including other older women and myself talking about fashion, beauty, and lifestyle issues.

As a retired dentist, Jodie takes her love of clothing and shopping and has come to find her superpowers in styling the same item in many ways. She is also a huge advocate for embracing our age and bodies. Getting old is a wonderful thing and learning to love ourselves while it happens is very freeing.

Looking great can happen no matter what age, shape or budget, as we show on Jodie's Touch of Style.

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