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Are You Ready to Increase Your Results?

Photo by Geralt via Pixabay

Attract the Right Job or Clientele:

Are You Ready to Increase Your Results?

As we progress throughout our careers, we experience the ups and downs of business and sometimes take it very personally. We begin to question whether we belong in any business and why we can only be successful as we believe others to be. Talent in a specific field is the core focus of our events. But, to maximize the results, it’s necessary to make the associated effort to gain recognition for exceptional talent.

My Story

Our community was treated to a memorable event. The organizer invited her best friend’s daughter to provide an Operatic performance. The young woman’s delivery drew everyone in and garnered glowing remarks afterward. At the end of the presentation, we learned that she just graduated from college and would be performing in Germany and then traveling through Europe. 

It was the last song the performer sang, Climb Every Mountain, that rang a bell for me. Upon hearing the lyrics, a fond memory of Julie Andrews singing the song in the movie, Sound of Music, came to mind. 

Climb Every Mountain lyrics:

“Climb every mountain

 Ford every stream

 Follow every mountain (every mountain)

 Don’t you ever give up, no ohh

 Climb every mountain (every mountain)

 There’s a brighter day on the other side

 Follow every rainbow

 ‘Till you find your dream.”

The Career Journey

The messaging is perfect for someone starting their career, attempting new endeavors, or ready to revamp how they work. My takeaways are:

  1. Never give up; find a better way.
  2. Attempt every idea that relates to your ultimate goal.
  3. Move away from the storms to enjoy the sunshine and rainbow to realize you made it!

There are always days someone will attempt to bully us and deride our efforts to have us pose the question, ‘Why me?’ and ‘Is it time to give up?’ But we all know that our only takeaway from quitting is the regret that follows.

Your Story

Strategies for Consideration

All too often, exciting ideas will turn out poorly, making us feel that trying is useless and that it may be time to quit. But quitting won’t get you to where you desire. Perseverance and determination to succeed are both essential to realize your vision.

  • Capture your ultimate vision of what you wish to accomplish.
  • Each year, set a yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily goal list with dates for completion.
  • At year-end, set a far-reaching new year-end goal for the following year.
  • Learn from the incidents you wish never happened, as they often contain insights that otherwise would never be yours.
  • Be willing to re-strategize, test, and refine the effort as you move forward.
  • Confer with peers and watch your competition to learn the best and from the worst to improve your strategies.

Embrace the ‘Power of Ten’ to Expand Exponentially

Ensure you are strict with only adding one new technique at a time; otherwise, monitoring the effectiveness is challenging. Only add what complements what is currently working well. Once you are sure the two strategies complement each other, you are in an excellent position to add the next. Repeat the process until you reach ten new complementary strategies. It is essential to monitor all systems to ensure all are current constantly; otherwise, replace the one that no longer functions properly.

Apply Power of 10 to Your Collaborative Efforts

The power of 10 is a math process, multiplying 10x9x8 to 1 for 3,628,800. Ten strategies feeding one another or ten trusted colleagues promoting one another will significantly enhance your visibility and empower business Growth. Sharing the spotlight is essential for becoming recognized as a leader in your field and attracting far more opportunities.

Additionally, as you create new services and products, the increase in visibility will help make those successful, too. It feels like climbing a mountain during each new phase, but the view is magnificent and significant once at the top!

In Conclusion: Ready to Increase Your Results

Make it a habit to review your day’s work each evening and your week’s work on the weekend. Set time aside to realize how you may improve the following week. It can add up to years in the making, but when you look backward to realize how far you have come, it will seem as if you climbed every mountain to enjoy the success you desired!

For More Insights:   Visit Elinor’s Amazon Author Page

‘Communicate to Attract Interest

Are You Ready To Increase Your Results? &Raquo; Canva Exponential 1 768X1024 1

Authentic Relationships Are Essential

Be A Story-Teller

“Believe, Become, Empower“

Related Blog Stories:

Commitment to Learning is essential
Empathy, Relationships, and Listening are essential
Passion and Perseverance lead to Success!
  1. Honesty with others and oneself is essential to rid ourselves of bad habits and poor connections.
  2. Upon realizing something isn’t as we expect, it is essential to replace it.
  3. Initially, working alone plus studying what we need to learn is essential, and then it’s best to seek out complementary efforts and peers.
  4. Every new strategy and approach should complement what is already in place to increase your results.
  5. Previous experiences and heritages broaden the knowledge base when we work together.
  6. The collective effort opens far many more doors of opportunity.
  7. As opportunity expands, so do our brand identity and offers.
  8. Selectively agreeing to new ventures to benefit everyone involved is essential to increase the potential for a good outcome.
  9. Upon realizing the benefits of receiving referrals, be one who provides them and work harmoniously together.
  10. Celebrate Success!

Today’s insights are provided to help you achieve the Smooth Sale!


Advisorpedia  Publishes information to help advisors build their practice, and those interested in the markets choose investments and find inspiration.

BabyBoomer – A trusted media source that collects and curates all the news, resources, and shows of interest for the Baby Boomer Generation.

BizCatalyst360  Presents a life, culture, and biz new media digest as a hub of creative expression and personal growth.

CatCat Build your future one skill at a time.

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Greg Jenkins Consulting LLC  – Helping organizations realize the value of diversity to build inclusive, evolving, high-performing cultures.

Growth Hackers – Helping businesses globally grow with lead generation, growth marketing, conversion rate optimization, data analytics, user acquisition, retention, and sales.

Inclusion Allies Coalition   “Everyone is welcome here.” Learn more to train teams and join the advocacy program.

Internet Advisor Find the internet service right for you among 2083 internet providers across 36,380 cities; plus, Cellphonedeal compiles excellent deals on phones, plans, and prepaid to furnish you with the best options in your area.

Kred  Connect with top-rated influencers to learn from and grow your networks.

LinktoEXPERT  “It is not who you know – who knows you and what your expertise can do for them, plus understand the value of hiring you.” 

Lotus Solution LLC Helps organizations create diversity and inclusion to ensure fairness and work through customized consulting, training, and keynote speeches.

Onalytica Find relevant influencers for your brand.

SalesPop!   Purveyors of Prosperity; How to Compete against Yourself to Excel in your career.

Simma Lieberman, “The Inclusionist,” helps develop inclusive leaders from the inside out to champion diversity and build equitable, inclusive cultures at every level.

Yoroflow offers a comprehensive suite of digital workplace platforms to help you streamline your day-to-day operations, manage your finances, and grow your business.

Vunela  Provides a unique opportunity to view Videos and read articles by World Leaders.

WebTalk is the one-stop platform To build your marketplace and grow social connections. 

Win Win Women is the world’s only interactive network and an international community for women. Women WIN when they receive solutions + Experts WIN when they provide solutions = Win Win Women.

The post Are You Ready to Increase Your Results? appeared first on SmoothSale™.

Elinor Stutz International Best-Selling Author

Elinor Stutz broke through barriers long before doing so was popular. Against all the odds, she defied the theme “women can’t sell” to become the top producer at every company she ever worked for, ignoring attempts to get her to quit.

Eleven years later, I lay motionless on a stretcher with an irreparably broken neck. Two visions appearing before me, and a brilliant gold light encasing my entire body, gave me a reason to believe I would recover. I wholeheartedly knew I was about to empower audiences far and wide. At the moment, I negotiated a full recovery with the promise to be of service. The surgeon and hospital staff anointed me with the title “The Walking Miracle.”

As the CEO of Smooth Sale, Stutz adapted the motto, “Believe, Become, Empower.” Believe in yourself; Become the person you envision; Empower your audience to do the same. Stutz is on the Social Media Committee for Inclusion Allies Coalition devoted to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


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