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The Mountains I Climb

The Mountains I Climb &Raquo; Core Thinking Blueprint Method Eye 900X450 1

As I get older, time speeds up and the world seems to go through its cycles faster and with more precision. By this, I mean, there is predictability among the uncertainty of what tomorrow will bring. History repeats itself, only with more advanced knowledge and instruments, of both the mind and inventions.

As humans, we are our greatest gift to each other, and yet we find ourselves our greatest enemy as well. Quite a dichotomy.

The climb to the top is an arduous task. Whether it be in the desire to climb Mt. Rushmore or wanting to advance in our career. We must train, in mental agility and physical strength, knowing what the potential hurdles may be along the way.

We may spend years focused on the journey and doing what we believe is in our best interest. Sometimes having setbacks, other times leaps forward. There is celebration for the advancements and tears of disappointment for the failures.

In the waning years of my life, the second half, assessment of where I have been and where I continue to Travel keeps me on the tipping point of making decisions that lead towards a rewarding end. But I do not wait until the end has come, rather I am acutely aware of what each moment represents.

No matter how much more information I gain from learning, teaching, mentoring, Coaching, reading, studying, or just watching the world go by, there will be a conclusion. I see it as if I am writing the book of life through each experience I have and observing those of others. The chapters present themselves at each milestone along the way, and I will know when the final chapter has arrived.

Taking a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of life this Thanksgiving holiday season, sitting in nature by the Suwannee River, brings a peace that cannot be found anywhere else. It is a reminder that no matter the chatter and noise of the external environment, it is beneficial to retreat inward for introspection and contemplation.

I am a high achiever, always striving to be the best version of myself, which seems to have an infinite pathway and doors forever opening. I step through some, others I have yet to open. The mountains I climb are for my own sense of satisfaction that “I can do it!” My so-called failures do not define me, but I sure have learned some valuable life lessons. Each fails up gives me an appreciation for what I needed to learn, about myself, others, and my place in an ever-changing world.

I find these days the need to pivot occurs more often than not.  The pace of change is so fast, that even the best choice made in the moment can be obsolete by the time it is brought to manifestation.

Do you feel it and perhaps experience this yourself?

Consider the mountain you are climbing, no matter the stage of life you are living right now. I know it may seem difficult for some and for others it is with ease. If there is anything, I can share with you today, it is that your inner vision, the core of who you are, is at the center of this climb. Whatever motivates you, drives you to be YOU, and gives you the strength to make this life the most fulfilling, embrace it.

The world will go on….

But you can define your part within this journey of yours, every step gets you closer to the ultimate endpoint. Imagine the view, sitting at the peak and looking out over the horizon of your success. The lives you have touched, the difference you have made, and the challenges you have faced.

A new year is arriving upon the coattails of one that has tested us as humans, caused us to question humanity, and given new meaning to being alive.

The mountains I climb are not just for an end goal, but to test my endurance and perseverance with hope for a better tomorrow and a knowing that I am always right where I need to be.

Eileen Bild Author, Writer, S.P.A.R.K. Coach

Eileen is CEO of Ordinary to Extraordinary Life/OTELproductions, Co-Founder of OTEL Universe, Executive Producer/ROKU Channel Developer, Founder of The Core Thinking Blueprint Method, OTEL TALK show host, and Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. Coach. She is a published Author, Internationally Syndicated Columnist, and Assistant Editor.

OTEL Universe -A Universal Voice is a platform to give people a voice for their passions, visions and dreams. Through relationship building, alliances and partnerships, Eileen has built an extraordinary community of like minded people and businesses with a similar purpose to be the light in the world and make a real difference.

Eileen views aging as an opportunity to take all the years of life lessons, learning and wisdom gained, and create a legacy that can live on indefinitely. She helps people tell their stories through interviews, assistance in writing and publishing a book, working on projects that have high impact and real results, S.P.A.R.K. them to take the next step to reach their highest potential and live life to the fullest. Eileen works with artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, celebrities and anyone wanting to live fearlessly, authentically and the desire to feel fulfilled.


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