I did not grow up with cell phones, social media, or electronics as my main source of communication. It was a different world in the ’60s, ’70s, and even the ’80s.
Today, there is information overload, communication via text/email, and a culture that has practically eliminated the art of conversation. If you are of the older generation, I will bet when you attempt to talk to someone today it can be much more difficult than it was in the past.
I believe we all know the WHY.
What I observe is a lack of true connection, a conversation that is an exchange of thoughts, ideas, perceptions, and opinions, which may or may not be on the same wavelength.
Consider the increase in Stress, Anxiety, worry, and fear.
As a Breakthrough S.P.A.R.K. coach, my experience teaches me if we look beyond the external world with a focus on what is within, we can break through the barriers that create the blocks for real and true conversation.
There is an addiction today to generate attention, yet no one is really listening.
People half listen, don’t listen at all, or runs in circles causing immense confusion. Perceptions are blinded by the mental anguish of the tug of war going on in the mental mind and the heart-mind.
The good news is we have the strength, power, and ability to overcome the lost art of communication.
You may ask HOW?
Glad you asked! For me, it is rather simple:
I know we all want a better world than what has evolved over our lifetimes. We must be part of the solution and it begins with mastering the art of conversation. What we leave behind us as a Legacy for generations to come, will reflect who we are now and who we have become as a nation and a world.
What did you love about your childhood?
What makes you smile when you think back on your life?
What brings you joy and happiness?
What one change can you make in conversations to be the difference in the shift needed at this time?
Remember, everyone comes into a conversation with their own personal experience that we may not have any clue about. This holds true in both home life and professional life. Be present with others and watch your world transform….