Human connection is more than a luxury—it’s a necessity for our overall mental well-being. Research consistently shows that strong social interaction improves our Mental Health, lowers Stress, and can even contribute to better physical health. These connections become even more crucial as we face unique career, family and physical challenges at this time in our life.
The risks of isolation are significant. In fact, some of our friends have moved away out of state, our kids are no longer in school with kids and parents that also expanded to be a part of our social group. And some of our career network groups have changed, making it more difficult to stay in contact with some of those colleagues that became much closer when we worked together. Without some of those connections, it becomes easier to fall into patterns of doing projects by ourselves, facing loneliness or stagnation. It takes an intentional effort to contact and nurture new as well as old friendships, especially for entrepreneurs or business owners. We’re busy!
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