For an article focused on celebrating moms, I could cover the history of Mother’s Day with Anna Jarvis in 1908 with it becoming an official U.S. holiday in 1914, but that information is readily available. So, I decided to focus on the practical aspects and emotion of the day and what it has meant to me as a mom, and now a mother-in-law and grandmother. I also wanted to encourage giving gifts of time or gifts of sentiments to those who have played a mother figure in our lives as they will far outlast most physical gifts.
I urge us all to take time to express gratitude and appreciation for those who have been an integral figure in our lives. Sharing memories and reflections with them is a gift in and of itself. Encouragement comes in all shapes and forms, and can take the form of a letter, a physical gift and also providing time or resources to pursue a special interest. Many moms are balancing not only children or grandchildren but advocating or caring for Aging parents or friends. Stress levels are at an all-time high when also continuing to work in an inflationary society where bills continue to pile up with a debt level that never seems to diminish.
I encourage you to write your own missive to someone you care about. I’ve provided my letter as a free download and you are welcome to glean any ideas you may feel appropriate. After reading the letter I’ve included some ideas for special gifts that will hopefully spark your imagination.
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