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Culture and Hybrid Work

A hybrid work model is an arrangement where employees are allowed to split their time between working from a physical office space, home, or a remote location.  The topic of culture and hybrid work has come into focus with this type of work arrangement.

Culture is about the personality of a business, organization, or company.  It is the values, belief system, how employees behave and customs or norms that define a business and its employees.  Culture is critical for employees in shaping the work environment.


Understanding Culture and Hybrid Work

In a hybrid work model, it is especially important to have a strong culture that aligns with the company’s mission, values, and goals.  Understanding culture and hybrid work means knowing the value of a connected workforce.  What’s more, a strong culture fosters a sense of belonging.  It helps employees feel connected to their work and each other, even when working remotely. 

The Key Components

To further understand, consider the key components.   First, there is trust, which is the foundation of a strong culture.  A sense of trust is essential for employees to feel supported and empowered in their work.  In fact, organizations that foster a high level of trust between within their workforce see better employee engagement and collaboration.

Next, there is communications which is critical in keeping employees connected and informed, especially when they are working remotely.  Company leaders and first line managers need to be intentional about staying in touch with employees.  Team members will appreciate the periodic Instant Message, email, or phone call from their boss checking on their well-being.  Don’t over-do it because the employee might think that they are being spied upon.  But do check-in periodically.  

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Then, there is collaboration.  It helps to build and maintain teamwork.  Collaboration also ensures that everyone is working towards the same goal.  Plan for virtual team building activities and open forums where team members can discuss their work assignments or simply talk about life.  Further, create opportunities for in-person interaction, such as annual company retreats to help reinforce the culture and foster a sense of community.  Extra efforts are needed to ensure that employees stay connected and engaged. 

Finally, flexibility, the key in accommodating the different work arrangements that make up a hybrid work model.  Flexible scheduling promotes a healthy work-life balance.  Obviously, demands of home will creep into an employee’s workday.  It is important that employers recognize that kids, spouses, dogs, housework, outside appointments and other interruptions will need an employee’s attention while they are working away from the physical office.  In any case, for culture and hybrid work to be successful, employees will need the flexibility to tend to life’s needs. 

Advantages and Challenges

However, hybrid work also poses several challenges, such as difficulties in separating work life from home life, reduced face-to-face interactions with their co-workers, and problems with collaboration and communication.  Especially for leaders, maintaining culture and hybrid work can also be challenging in keeping everyone focused on executing a company’s strategy, vision, and goals. 

By being intentional, companies can overcome the challenges of culture and hybrid work by providing multiple channels for communication, such as video conferencing, email, and instant messaging, and encourage employees to use them regularly.

The Future of Culture and Hybrid Work

Unquestionably, the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards hybrid work.  For this reason, any companies have adopted a mix of in-person and remote work. As the future of work continues to evolve, it is essential to consider the role that culture will play in shaping the future of hybrid work.  Culture can impact the success or failure of hybrid work as companies try to ensure that their values and norms evolve with the changing landscape of work.

On the whole, companies should regularly review and assess their culture and hybrid work to make sure they are aligned with its mission, values, and goals and that it supports their employees. 

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Culture And Hybrid Work &Raquo;

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The post Culture and Hybrid Work appeared first on Hybrid Boomer.

A Hybrid Boomer is an individual born between 1946 and 1964 who is still in the workforce but working from home or a remote location. We are only required to report into a company facility when it is necessary to collaborate in person or for in-person company meetings. We transitioned into this type
of work mode during the COVID 19 Pandemic. In defining a new normal and the future of work our companies have decided to allow us to make this a permanent way to work.


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