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Alan Cay Culler Writer of Stories and Songs

I'm a writer.

Writing is my fourth career -actor, celebrity speakers booking agent, change consultant - and now writer.
I write stories about my experiences and what I've learned- in consulting for consultants, about change for leaders, and just working, loving and living wisely.

To be clear, I'm more wiseacre than wise man, but I'm at the front end of the Baby Boom so I've had a lot of opportunity to make mistakes. I made more than my share and even learned from some of them, so now I write them down in hopes that someone else might not have to make the same mistakes.

I have also made a habit of talking with ordinary people who have on occasion shared extraordinary Wisdom.

Much of what I write about has to do with business because I was a strategic change consultant for thirty-seven years. My bias is that business is about people - called customers, staff, suppliers, shareholders or the community, but all human beings with hopes, and dreams, thoughts and emotions.. They didn't teach me that at the London Business School, nor even at Columbia University's Principles of Organization Development. I learned that first in my theater undergraduate degree, while observing people in order to portray a character.

Now I'm writing these observations in stories, shared here for other Baby Boomers and those who want to read about us.

Recent Content

Don’t Panic! &Raquo; Dont Panic
Don’t Panic!

The man’s suit was a fine cloth, but the cut was a little dated.  His beard was white, close-cut on the sides, but extended at his chin to square his jaw. His shock of white hair was thinning on to…

The man’s suit was…

The man’s suit was a fine cloth, but the cut was a little dated.  His beard was white, close-cut on the sides, but extended at his chin to square his jaw. His shock of white hair was thinning on top. He sat on the sun drenched park bench, newspaper folded beside him and a blackthorn walking stick with a filigreed silver handle leaned against the bench arm. Shine, sir? The boy smiled. “Well, let me see. Do my shoes look like they need a shine?” “Better than most, sir, but might do with a freshening.” “Well perhaps, then. How much for such a service?” The boy stated the price firm…

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I’m Sorry &Raquo; Im Sorry 1
I’m Sorry

“I’m sorry. So Sorry. Please accept my apology. I know I was wrong, But I was too blind to see.” (1960 #1 hit by fifteen-year-old Brenda Lee, written by Dub Albrittin and Ronnie Self.) “I am a…

“I’m sorry. So S…

“I’m sorry. So Sorry. Please accept my apology. I know I was wrong, But I was too blind to see.” (1960 #1 hit by fifteen-year-old Brenda Lee, written by Dub Albrittin and Ronnie Self.) “I am a terrible person!” The clocks changed last night and I awoke at 3:00 a.m. (old time), thinking about all the horrible things I have done in my life. At ten, I stole my sister’s boyfriend’s ring given to “go steady.” It caused great Anxiety and I ultimately “found” it under a bed. I stole my Rolodex when I changed jobs at twenty-seven. I never called any of the numbers and finally thr…

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I’m Sorry &Raquo; Im Sorry
I’m Sorry

“I’m sorry. So Sorry. Please accept my apology. I know I was wrong, But I was too blind to see.” (1960 #1 hit by fifteen-year-old Brenda Lee, written by Dub Albrittin and Ronnie Self.) “I am a…

“I’m sorry. So S…

“I’m sorry. So Sorry. Please accept my apology. I know I was wrong, But I was too blind to see.” (1960 #1 hit by fifteen-year-old Brenda Lee, written by Dub Albrittin and Ronnie Self.) “I am a terrible person!” The clocks changed last night and I awoke at 3:00 a.m. (old time), thinking about all the horrible things I have done in my life. At ten, I stole my sister’s boyfriend’s ring given to “go steady.” It caused great anxiety and I ultimately “found” it under a bed. I stole my Rolodex when I changed jobs at twenty-seven. I never called any of the numbers and finally thr…

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Oops And Os#!T: Consulting Failure Modes &Raquo; Consulting Failure Modes
Oops and OS#!T: Consulting Failure Modes

I survived a life career in consulting without being murdered by clients or colleagues. That isn’t to say I made no mistakes, nor suffered no injuries, just that I learned quickly enough to recover,…

I survived a life ca…

I survived a life career in consulting without being murdered by clients or colleagues. That isn’t to say I made no mistakes, nor suffered no injuries, just that I learned quickly enough to recover, if not on that project then on the next. These days, in comfortable Retirement, I’m looking back with wonder that clients, bosses, or fellow consultants didn’t call “Vinny from Providence to take me for a ride.” In gratitude, I thought I’d share some things I observed that make individual consultants fail. Most consultants have done one or more of these, and some continually get away wi…

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Learning From Genghis &Raquo; Genghis Kahn
Learning from Genghis

“I am the Scourge of God!  If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me among you.” Bellowed Genghis Khan from horseback outside the sacred Mosque of Bukhara,…

“I am the Scourge …

“I am the Scourge of God!  If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me among you.” Bellowed Genghis Khan from horseback outside the sacred Mosque of Bukhara, moments before he ordered the wealthy town elders to surrender gold and jewels, razed their homes and slaughtered them, leaving peasants “scattered to the winds to tell the tale of the horror they witnessed here.” Not a very nice guy. My first wife described my political transformation, after going to the London Business school when Margaret Thatcher was Prime Minister: “Alan went from Ché…

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Just My Luck &Raquo; Just My Luck
Just My Luck

This morning, I saw the slender black cat that slinks around our place driving our near thirteen-year-old black Lab crazy. Pip will rouse from her old dog Sleep on the back deck or in the sun by the s…

This morning, I saw …

This morning, I saw the slender black cat that slinks around our place driving our near thirteen-year-old black Lab crazy. Pip will rouse from her old dog sleep on the back deck or in the sun by the slider, barking ferociously in what is a very unique bark reserved for this cat alone. “Slinky pissin’ you off again, girl?” We say, as my wife or I quiet Pip down. We have no idea who this cat belongs to or what her name is, but she slinks around just in Pip’s line of sight or smell and we imagine her delighting in “owning” our dog’s territorial emotions. This morning I saw “Slinky…

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Client Bashing? Stop. &Raquo; Client Bashing
Client Bashing? Stop.

“Can you believe how stupid?” “I know. You’d think they’d see the obvious . . .” I was in a small group of twenty-something consultants complaining about our client. I’m embarrassed to s…

“Can you believe h…

“Can you believe how stupid?” “I know. You’d think they’d see the obvious . . .” I was in a small group of twenty-something consultants complaining about our client. I’m embarrassed to say I was in my fifties, but I was joining in. Suddenly a founding partner of the firm, seventeen years my junior, joined the group. “Permission to not client bash?”  he said quietly. “Oh. . . point taken,” said I sheepishly. I had delivered this message to teams before, but I had backslid into a client bitch session. Client bashing happens much too easily in consulting, for many reasons. …

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Suwi Or Suwoi? &Raquo; Suwi Suwoi

I’ve been thinking about Shakespeare’s play Hamlet recently. Though I trained as an actor, I never played Hamlet. Hamlet is a young prince of Denmark, grieving the loss of his father, and feeling …

I’ve been thinking…

I’ve been thinking about Shakespeare’s play Hamlet recently. Though I trained as an actor, I never played Hamlet. Hamlet is a young prince of Denmark, grieving the loss of his father, and feeling vaguely uneasy about the fact that his mother married his uncle Claudius so soon after his father’s death. “Thrift, thrift, Horatio. The funeral baked meats did coldly furnish forth the marriage tables” he jokes with his friend. For those who never read, nor saw Hamlet, let me give a quick synopsis. Distraught young Ham is told by the ghost of his father, King Hamlet I, that Hamlet’s uncle…

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Language—Story—Writing—Ai (?) &Raquo; Sistene Chapel Word
Language—Story—Writing—AI (?)

Writer “Would you like to write this with AI?” I am asked this question, by LinkedIn, WordPress, and several other writing tools and sites where I publish my writing. As I skip the AI button insid…

Writer “Would you …

Writer “Would you like to write this with AI?” I am asked this question, by LinkedIn, WordPress, and several other writing tools and sites where I publish my writing. As I skip the AI button inside my head is an existential scream: NO! I’M TRYING TO BE A WRITER DAMMIT! I call myself a writer and I do write a fair amount, no great American novel (yet), but ruminations on wisdom I have stumbled upon and share. I have self-published one book Traveling the Consulting Road, and am getting close on a second Change Leader? Who Me?  Still, as my defensive self-talk might indicate, I’m a littl…

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The New Leader Opportunity &Raquo; Brangwyn Magna Carta Mural
The New Leader Opportunity

“Business is NOT a democracy!” The CEO had raised his voice. I wouldn’t have said he was actually yelling, but his face was a darker shade tending toward red, and he was definitely speaking loud…

“Business is NOT a…

“Business is NOT a democracy!” The CEO had raised his voice. I wouldn’t have said he was actually yelling, but his face was a darker shade tending toward red, and he was definitely speaking louder than he had been moments before. My colleague, a consulting partner, was explaining that there was considerable disagreement with his post-acquisition integration plans and not just from the acquired company. This news did not please him, which caused him to so forcefully state his view of business governance. The partner paused briefly, and then said quietly, “it is true that business is not…

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Untangling The Mess &Raquo; Untangling The Mess
Untangling the Mess

He was introduced to us as “Charley, an old-time key logger,” an introduction that seem to both amuse and annoy him. “Thanks, I guess, Carol, Did you really have to put in the “old-time” bit…

He was introduced to…

He was introduced to us as “Charley, an old-time key logger,” an introduction that seem to both amuse and annoy him. “Thanks, I guess, Carol, Did you really have to put in the “old-time” bit? These folks can see I’m old just by looking at me.” “Oh, sorry Charley,” Carol from HR laughed, blushing a bit, “But I hope he tells you some stories about being a jam-breaker.” Charley didn’t look like a lumberjack. He was about five-nine, slight of build, and lean in a hard sort of way. He was bald with the gray fringe buzz-cut short except for a little forelock which stood strai…

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Patience Redux &Raquo; Patient Patient
Patience Redux

Some life lessons we are meant to learn. . . over. . . and over again. Not long ago I wrote about patience.  I quoted a one-time client, who didn’t take well to my advice to “Be Patient.” “Pa…

Some life lessons we…

Some life lessons we are meant to learn. . . over. . . and over again. Not long ago I wrote about patience.  I quoted a one-time client, who didn’t take well to my advice to “Be Patient.” “Patient?! Alan, the world was not built by patient men!” I went on to note that high performing entrepreneurs and inventors were not known as the soul of patience. Neither, I suppose, are military leaders. It is hard to imagine General Patten, Napolean, or Genghis Khan, being described as patient. I have in my life been patient, sometimes with children, sometimes too much with people who were beha…

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“The Best Laid Schemes O’ Mice An’ Men” &Raquo; New Years 24 E1735417982814
“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men”

This post will send in the wee hours o’ New Year’s Eve 2024.  Here, in the good ole US of A, New Year’s Eve is amateur alcoholics night, when teetotalers, and even those with a serious drinking…

This post will send …

This post will send in the wee hours o’ New Year’s Eve 2024.  Here, in the good ole US of A, New Year’s Eve is amateur alcoholics night, when teetotalers, and even those with a serious drinking problem, know to leave the roads to those idiots who binge drink once a year, loud-singing the Robert Burns anthem, “Should auld acquaintance be fergot an’ nev’r braught ta maieend, . . .” followed by sloppy kisses and hugs. The still slightly sober may ask, “What the hell does “Auld Lang Syne” mean anyway?” To which a more pedantic tippler-friend may answer, “Old long seen, or …

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A Community Of Light &Raquo; New Grange At Winter Solstice
A Community of Light

It is the Winter Solstice. In the cold we huddle around the fire, joined in our communities. At the dark time of year, when the days are short, we celebrate the light. During this time I often imagine…

It is the Winter Sol…

It is the Winter Solstice. In the cold we huddle around the fire, joined in our communities. At the dark time of year, when the days are short, we celebrate the light. During this time I often imagine ancient peoples in their shelters, with a roof smoke hole above the fire, bringing evergreen boughs inside, so the green reminds them that spring will come again. I even wrote a song about this fantasy called Deep Winter’s Night. I was encouraged in this fantasy first by the Megalithic monument Stonehenge oriented towards the Summer Solstice. I felt that these people in 2500 BCE were quite attu…

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Humbling And Gratifying &Raquo; Ttcr Christmas Idea
Humbling and Gratifying

It has been almost one year since I published Traveling the Consulting Road: Career Wisdom for New Consultants, Candidates, and Their Mentors. This year has been gratifying and humbling. It has been g…

It has been almost o…

It has been almost one year since I published Traveling the Consulting Road: Career Wisdom for New Consultants, Candidates, and Their Mentors. This year has been gratifying and humbling. It has been gratifying because a significant number of people have bought the book. Amazon data shows that my book sold more copies than 90% of self-published books. It also sold slightly more than the average number of copies for all self-published books. This is humbling. Clearly this distribution is very skewed with a very long tail. Many books do not break double digits; a significant number are under 100 …

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Leadership Dysfunction 2.0 &Raquo; Leader Dysfunction 2.0 Bullet Holes
Leadership Dysfunction 2.0

“People say I should have known. Maybe. There was that thing at the holiday party, but he was really drunk. The girl was drunk too, by the way. And anyway everybody agreed to drop it and she got ano…

“People say I shou…

“People say I should have known. Maybe. There was that thing at the holiday party, but he was really drunk. The girl was drunk too, by the way. And anyway everybody agreed to drop it and she got another job soon after, so everything worked out. “He was such a sick programmer, I mean, really elegant code, everybody said so. And the dude was a machine. He totally saved the Techniche voice chat bot project, – made the delivery in three days. People said he was mainlining Red Bull, ‘n’ the client said the bot was like talking to a real person. That Indian accent thing was complete magic,…

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The Grey One’s Gift &Raquo; Grey One
The Grey One’s Gift

The young one had a map of sorts, mostly a list of turns drawn on birchbark – arrow left at the big oak, right after the log bridge, and so on. The path was long for one so young, winding through a …

The young one had a …

The young one had a map of sorts, mostly a list of turns drawn on birchbark – arrow left at the big oak, right after the log bridge, and so on. The path was long for one so young, winding through a deep hardwood forest, crossing a rushing stream on a fallen log, then climbing through fir-filtered sunbeams almost to the tree line. Finally a small clearing opened to the sky, where one could see up to the first ridge of the mountains and down to the village below. Across the clearing, nestled into the hillside was a cabin, so covered with lichens and mosses it seemed a part of the wood. Before …

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