Saturday - September 28th, 2024
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Heather Browne

The Story Behind The Wishbone &Raquo; Img 7585

The Story Behind the Wishbone

Happy Thanksgiving to you! I hope today you will spend time reflecting on all you are thankful for: friends, family, health, being given another day, whatever blesses you deeply.     As you know, I can be a little curious or nerdy when taking a deeper look at traditions. So… The Wishbone Have you been curious […]

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The Hidden Secret To Being Happy &Raquo; Img 7585

The Hidden Secret to Being Happy

Are you ready? Close your eyes. Count to 3.  One….two….three….. There is no such thing as happiness! Wait? What?  Surprise! You have happy days and sad days.  Happy moments and sad moments.  There’s no:  Happiness forever spot.   It is all relative and it’s also, all up to you. We make ourselves feel sad because we […]

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What'S That In Your Pocket? &Raquo; Img 7585

What’s That in Your Pocket?

What’s That in Your Pocket? What’s precious to you? What’s that special thing you love to collect? And what is that feeling you get when you have uncovered one more? It’s a pretty big thrill isn’t it?   I wrote a piece a little while back on Collecting.  It’s published in Ololith.  I’d love to […]

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You Can'T Hold Wind &Raquo; Img 7585

You Can’t Hold Wind

You Can’t Hold the Wind And there’s a lot of power in a whirlwind! It’s been one of those types of month’s for our world. There’s so much uncertainty and so much confusion.  Where is the force coming from and what will happen next?  Has your life felt like this as well? So many things […]

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Do You Want A Trick Or A Treat? &Raquo; Img 7585

Do You Want a Trick or a Treat?

  Content: Happy Halloween!  Which do you prefer?  A trick?  Or a treat? Has it been a crazy week for you?  It feels like there are a lot of ghosts and ghouls doing some havoc in the lives of those I know, possibly preparing us for Halloween?  What do you think that is about?  How […]

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Get That Thought Out Of Your Head! &Raquo; Img 7585

Get That Thought OUT of Your Head!

  Hello    AHHHH!!!! What is wrong with me? Why am I so stupid? Why can’t I be like everybody else?   Do you have these thoughts? What do you do when you struggle with negative chatter? Do you beat yourself up? It’s an area we all struggle with at times.  And being the Reframe […]

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I Hate My People Pleasing Pitfalls! &Raquo; Img 7585

I HATE My People Pleasing Pitfalls!

Ouch! Do you have them too?  Do you sacrifice yourself so others may like you? Do you feel scared that others might be disappointed in you? Is it hard to say no? Is it hard to say yes to you? Do you feel unloved or unappreciated?   Not all of us are people pleasers, but […]

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What Is Your Body Screaming? &Raquo; Img 7585

What Is Your Body Screaming?

LISTEN TO ME!!!   That’s right…you heard me.  So, now that I’ve got your attention… What’s the MESSAGE that is so important that is coming from your BODY?   Is there pain? Exhaustion? Nervousness? Did you know that your body wants to be healthy, calm, and at ease?  It truly does.  But it sure doesn’t […]

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Charity Brings Miracles &Raquo; Img 7585

Charity Brings Miracles

We are currently in one of our most pressing times globally, financially, and ecologically.  No one is certain what is ahead and there is a tremendous amount of fear and destruction raging throughout our world.  People are hurting.  And people are hurting one another.      The need for compassion and charity is now.   Charity instills […]

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So You Are Doing A Ted Talk? &Raquo; Img 7585

So You Are Doing A Ted Talk?

Hello!   It’s getting close!  I give my TedX talk on Saturday!  Will you pray for me?  That the venue goes smoothly, we all deliver from our hearts openly and clearly, that the audience is dearly blessed, and that all of the recordings go wonderfully well so it can reach and bless many? I would […]

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