This isn’t me but what a haunting look This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in January 2020 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! A new year is often a pivotal time to think about your life and your happiness. In fact it doesn’t just have to be a […]
Anyone need a newspaper from 2019? Where do you sit on the minimalist vs hoarding spectrum? I am firmly a person who holds onto items and takes the philosophy of “if it still has some utility, then why throw it out?” [my siblings may tell you that is because I’m a cheapskate but don’t listen to […]
The source of so much pleasure and pain The title of this week’s blog could easily be “How life is just a series of challenges for you to overcome”. As you can work out from the title, I’ve had a deeply frustrating week being completely disconnected from all forms of the internet. Yep, you read that […]
That reminds me, it’s time for my monthly manicure This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in September 2019 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! Why have I written this follow up article on EQ? In my previous article I tried to articulate what EQ was and why it was […]
How your approach to food when you go travelling may indicate whether you would be a perfect employee for Google Go on, load your plate high. Who doesn’t love an Ethiopian buffet? A while back*, Google wanted to determine what one question (and only one question) they could ask in an interview that would be the […]
What do you do when you bump into a former acquaintance? Are you a warm greeter, a civil chatter or an avoider? Ready or not, here I come… This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in February 2020 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! It happens to us all; on […]
Want to know the truth about flat hunting in the current London market? It absorbs incredible amounts of FQ and EQ The face of a man who has just completed 35km on a Santander bicycle looking for flats Undoubtedly one of the biggest events to happen to me, my life and my business in the last 2 […]
Is this conversation going well I wonder? This is a reprint of a classic blog that I wrote in September 2019 when I first started my company Shiageto Consulting. Enjoy! I’m sure there is a formal definition of EQ somewhere out there on the internet or in the vast chamber of some renowned centre of academia […]
Finding a new place to live is a lot like a good strategy project; it requires healthy dollops of IQ, EQ and FQ Undoubtedly one of the biggest events to happen to me, my life and my business in the last 2 months has been my upcoming eviction from my Central London apartment. As such, I […]
Undoubtedly one of the biggest events to happen to me, my life and my business in the last 2 months has been my upcoming eviction from my Central London apartment. As such, I felt it deserved a special series of short blogs exploring this event. This is the first in that series where I explore […]