Monday - September 23rd, 2024
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Chris Rodell

Tweets of the Month(s)

 • Val was rattled this week after seeing a picture of her late mother from when she was 4 years younger than Val is today. Her mother appeared much older. Told Val she shouldn’t be surprised. She works very hard at eating right and remaining fit, has a natural beauty and, in fact, looks better […]

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I let 15 strangers grill me about my Parkinson’s

(895 words)It was last week and I was concluding my first of 30 news gathering classes. I was just about to say the part about remembering to please get your pet spayed or neutered when an afterthought floated to the front of my mind.“Oh, and if you see me limping or my left arm shaking, […]

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After 30 years, we bid farewell to our waterbed

(471 words)Val and I did something in the bedroom we’ve even after 30 years of sleeping together had never dreamed we’d try.It was, for us at least, deviant. A little kinky.It was — and there is no way to avoid this — good and hard.I’d better explain before any of you daintier readers become faint […]

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You can again call me Professor

                                     (586 words)The last time I was honored to teach journalism to Point Park University students, I was determined to make a real impression. And I did.A real bad one.The class was three hours of me talking. Three! I showed up 10 minutes late, stumbling, barely coherent. […]

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July Tweets of the Month

 • While is one of our most nimble, yet undefined words. You can be a good while, but not a bad one. You can take a while, but you cannot give one. I’ve never encountered a nice while but our days are strewn with meanwhiles that aren’t mean at all. Idlers like me can while […]

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My thoughts on Tin Lizzy bartender search

 (554 words) The Tin Lizzy is looking for a new bartender. Recent bartenders have moved on, are seeking greener pastures or, sadly, been summoned to that Great Last Call in the sky.  So they are advertising for a new bartender to run Flappers. Frankly, I’d rather they look for an old bartender. My preference has […]

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May/June tweets of the Month(s)

  • Val was rattled this week after seeing a picture of her late mother from when she was 4 years younger than Val is today. Her mother appeared much older. Told Val she shouldn’t be surprised. She works very hard at eating right and remaining fit, has a natural beauty and, in fact, looks […]

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Who stole my American flag?

 (Masking tape above shoes shows where stolen flag was)(791 words) The crack team of amateur sleuths I brought in to solve the crime found a glaring breech that they said practically invited theft. It was a mere 6 inches. That was all the crook needed to sashay into my office and shatter a sense of […]

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LIV golf: What would Arnold Palmer do? An “insider’s” view

 (829 words)Because I sense the threshold of interest has been breached, I’m going to respond to a question I have no business responding to. But people keep asking.The question is: What would Arnold Palmer do if the bloodthirsty Saudi Arabian sheiks offered him, say, $200 million — what they’re paying Phil “Lefty” Mickelson — to […]

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Let’s extend marriage by making it by the numbers

(624 words)My wife of 25 years and I are in the habit of concluding most every day by saying, “I love you.” We both say it in a whisper and we both know hearing “I love you,” means it’s time to shut the hell up and try to get some sleep.Simple math says we’ve said, “I […]

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